Meet Ricardo, a student athlete at Whittier!

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My name is Ricardo Martinez, and behind me is with your college. Figure out what? Your college majoring in economics and French. In addition to that, I'm also a student athlete in cross country and track and field. I also do have a job at the office of admissions. So it is my job and my privilege to actually help all of you all. Whatever information you need to make the best decision possible to decide what college you want to go to. So the reason I chose with you comes down to three basic things. One, the education that I was gonna receive to the Athletics three. The financial lead one going back to academics coming from a high school that is less than 400 people in population. I could not go to a school where I was just or I would just be another face in the crowd. Secondly, was the one on one level and professionalism of my coach. For him to reach out to me, actually, give me a spot on the roster and make sure that I could compete to the best and highest level I can. How many other people can see that? I got a really generous scholarship, and here at Whittier they automatically enroll you in whatever scholarship that they can. It is the most amazing experience when it comes to financial aid, in my opinion. So beyond the athletics and beyond the academics, we have the geographical. It's famous for its oceans, its beaches, its mountains, valleys, everything. We are in the center of all of it now, being in the Southern California area. All my life, I've never had a more diverse place to go hang out than here at video, and you can just see it. If you don't like Whittier is okay, because I honestly just want you to find your Whittier. I want you to find your college that you want to go to the college, that you're going to succeed at the college. You'll love the college you root for even years and years and months and days and weeks and all of that stuff after you graduate, so nobody's experience is gonna be the same. The college choosing experience is not the same for anybody. Um, but having somebody help you and direct you into the right direction is a good factor in actually finding the right college for you because you don't want to pay big bucks to go to a school that you don't like. They end up having regrets about and have your parents they all this money for you not to enjoy. When you want to go to make a life altering decision, you really need to do your homework and your research before you do anything that goes for life and just for school in general. So hopefully with these videos, I can help you all decide where you want to go, what things you need to do and hopefully have you go to your college dream school.