Meet Priyanka!

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So what's your major, Priyanka? I I'm a business major with a specialization in party. What is something that you like to do when you're not? Um I'm fairly finance society, Like Tio volunteered to help flowing from families in the elderly with their taxes. They have been dating for like, two months now, so cool and hasn't been like an overall good experience. You need a lot of great people either if they're getting their tax stunner. What has been your like, least favorite thing and your favorite thing about being here at Stonybrook er these favorite things would probably be like the whole commuting aspect, because I do live five minutes away. I kind of want to live off campus, and it's a little hard to make friends when you're understood. I came from college where there was nothing todo but now there's so much to do and I'm trying to get more involved on campus and a lot of people very welcome here they want you to get. Then what's like one piece of advice that you would give my lawyer? What is one piece of advice that you would give two incoming students? Definitely get him with your scary cherries to go from like high school to college. It's like a very you'd definitely get involved, because those are the friends you make for a while.