Meet Peter! And hear about his Virginia Tech Experience!

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Introduce yourself and explain why you chose your school. I chose Virginia attack due to the amount of community service the school does and their drive to serve others before themselves. A typical Friday night usually involves, you know, board games, possibly watching movies with friends and everyone still ongoing downtown because there's a fantastic atmosphere down there. Describe the food options on campus had a lobster yesterday, so I feel like that kind of sets the bar. You know, diverse the food is what's your major and described the academic climate. My major is geography, but more specifically do spatial environmental analysis. Everyone that I've worked with So far, all the professors and other students have been very professional and just to a certain point, just overall, fantastic. I mean, it's a great a great environment to work with and give one piece of advice his perspective. If you're going to choose your college, don't choose your college based on your major or the programs that are associated with the college. Choose it based off of where you want to call home for the next four years.