Meet Olivia!!!

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This my friend Olivia about away, and I'm gonna ask her the same questions. I've been asking multiple U t students throughout this whole tour. Livia, introduce yourself and tell me why you're here. My brother went to U T. And so ever since a very, very young age, it burnt orange has just been a part of who I am. Describe the student body here at you to the student body here is incredible. Not only are we extremely diverse, but we come from all over the place. I've met people always from New York to across the world from here. It's they're also a very accepting student body that there's not a lot of judgment or anything between any of the students. Okay, so did you come from like, a big or like, tiny high school, large high school in a small town? Okay. Like, was there any like, was there any problem transitioning trump? You know, high school to college for you. I was doing fine in school and everything, but it's definitely a transition. It's It's a bit of a culture shock in the town and only having from a small town to the next city. What else? What is your major? Currently, I am undeclared in the school of undergraduate studies. I am looking into going into possible communication. What is your class is looking like since you are a like, you know, you're declared my crosses range from twenty students to over five hundred students. Being a first year student, you really get a very different time classes. Much people are nervous about coming to a big school on having high end professors. They're all very approachable and are all willing to work with you if there's ever. What is your favorite thing about you? T and your least favorite thing. T probably just how much school spirit you see around. Williams are incredible that the tower getting lit up the tower playing songs. Anytime I'm with my friends, I mean, we were constantly throwing up the hook on or yelling out Hook were screaming hookup. It is quite a crying, incredible suit body here, and then my least favorite thing Hi. Maybe the construction. Either way, you have such a beautiful campus and sort of see construction everywhere. Um, in that, I mean, I absolutely love this place. Uh, I know you don't do this much, but where is your favorite place to study? Don't ee Ah, I honestly, I've sitting right room a lot. Hm. Because if I do study, I'm sitting here. My friends are in that class and study with them as far as like the PCL r the union. There's a really incredible study places or I'm going to the mall. I've actually gotta settle on the grass and study before, so that's that.