Meet Noah from JWU!

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Studying culinary arts and food service management at Johnson and Wales University is Providence campus, and I'm from Newton, Massachusetts. I'm here today to talk a little bit about myself and my journey to get to do and how I'm pursuing my dreams. Mhm. Three reasons why I ultimately chose you are because of the location, the people and the program's first off. Let's start with the location J. Was in a great city of Providence is not too big, not too small. It's just far enough away from my home that I can feel like I'm living on my own, the city that never sleeps what we like to call it similar to New York. It does have an awesome food scene, amazing nightlife, and you're gonna meet some great people there, too. You'll see that throughout your business here on campus. Also you're just gonna meet so many great friends and lifelong wait work in the industry with never gonna forget it. Johnston Whales, one of the only schools that allowed me to have a dual degree program where I get two years focusing in the back of the house and immersed in the kitchens, really cooking my heart out and then two years focusing in the front of the house. From there, I really want to work in hotels as a director of operations or food and beverage department director, and my next steps in my education are receiving my M B A. With the hospitality concentration. You can get additional degree in just one extra year, save a little money and add some great title stampeders, one of my all time favorite places on campus, between an art center for culinary excellence that is the culinary and baking pastry building where you'll take all your introductory and advanced labs. We get to cook with some awesome ingredients and amazing equipment and meet amazing faculty that will help guide you through your journey here at Johnson and Wales. My favorite place in Providence is definitely Dandan Korean barbecue. I love Korean barbecue food, and it's definitely a great restaurant to check out when you're here on campus. Lastly, my one piece of advice to prospective students is definitely take a look at the career exploration program that takes place over the summer. That really helped me, um, take to go to Johnson and Wales because I was able to experience the college life and experience some classes before even enrolling. That's not a unique thing about this school that you're not gonna find anywhere else. They want you to experience the college life before you even get to campus.