Meet Makenna, a Senior Student-Athlete

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Hi there, my name is McKenna parenti and and I'm just on here to talk a little bit about gremlins in my experience at Redlands and why I chose this university. I currently am living in an on campus apartment with three other roommates called brockton apartments. It's amazing because I get to walk to class every day. So unfortunately this is my last year at Raymond's. I'm a senior studying communicative sciences and disorders and with a minor in psychology, I applied and came to this school mainly because of the major offered, uh not a lot of schools offer communicative sciences and disorders. So I was happy to find that Redlands did offer this as a major. Um And then additionally I was able to be on the swim team here. My coach was actually reaching out to me for a while before I actually researched um and find out, found out what Rollins had to offer me and upon that research, trying to decide that this school really made me feel welcomed and at home and that this small liberal arts school in southern California was right for me, my favorite and most interesting courses I have taken, definitely fall under my major's requirements. I took an audiology course where I got to learn all about the physiology um about our ears and also about hearing disorders. I get to be in a more intervention type of setting where I can observe speech pathologists that actually work in the on campus clinic here on this, this is an opportunity. I truly believe that any student can fit in and thrive at reference. This is especially true if the students I really care about their education and thrive from working closely with their professors, the professors and faculty really care about everyone's education, and then we'll make the learning environment right for everyone. I hope you learned a lot about my experience at Red lose.