Meet Kaylee, Computer Science Major and Marching Band Twirler!

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I'm a junior at texas State University and I'm majoring in computer science and minored in psychology. Um I'm also part of a few communities on campus, so I'm part of the honors college and the bobcat marching band and an organization called University Ambassadors. So some of the main reasons why I chose to come to texas state, um number one is going on a campus tour. Um, texas day was actually the first college I had ever toured. It was the campus that made me feel the most at home and the most comfortable to be at. Another main reason I chose texas state was because of their bobcat margin band. I really wanted to be a featured twirler in college and texas state made that possible for me and it's been a really great experience to twirl alongside the band at halftime performances during football games. It was a really great experience as well because I'm a first generation students, so I had no idea what college was going to be like and having something that I've been doing since middle school was a great familiarity for me to adjust into college life and have kind of a second family um, at my university's. As for my major, I really enjoyed the computer science department. I had never coded before college, so they do a really great job of teaching you the basics and then going into more of the complex topics. I'm currently taking it right now and it's called computer architecture. So I get to learn about how computers work from the inside and how it affects codes. So it's been really awesome to learn about that this semester and it's been one of my favorite computer science classes so far. I can't wait for you to learn more about texas, state University.