Meet Christian! And hear about his Virginia Tech Experience

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So go ahead and introduce yourself and explain why you chose Tech. I'm from acclaimed Virginia, currently a senior. I chose Virginia Tech as a transfer student because my previous school did not offer a stimulating educational program. I saw Virginia Tech as an inexpensive, opportunistic and rigorous place for me to continue my studies. The student body, I would have to say is traditional. You have large clumps of people from the same places Northern Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. You know, it's crazy, but I I think they're pretty nice and start your typical Friday night. I usually go to one of the off campus community is to pre game and then you go downtown. I described the food options on campus, so they're awesome. They range from my sushi to a wood fired steak toe raps to like a BP workers who have to go BA. I think the variety is amazing. Like the times they're available, what's your favorite and least favorite part of school? My favorite part of school would have to be the fact that you can use your Yoki P att surrounding places in Blacksburg and not just on campus. I think that really expands the way that you can distribute money and gives people who take like loans and stuff that opportunity. The least favorite part I have to say, is a lot of some logistical, outdated equipment, buildings and the lack of Windows locked. What's your favorite class and why? Favorite class has to be European political systems with Dr Taylor. Even like the European continent, which is pretty vast in terms of their power. It gives me such a global view of my government, my country, which I like. What's Blacksburg in the college experience like Blacksburg is exciting Place lots of energy, thie experience. I've got to say it's very small town, gradually slow, which is different from where? From Northern Virginia and friendly. What's the academic climate like? Esso for political science? Academic climate is death in the lead. Rigorous in the literary skills. I think that they're pretty social, great literary skills and very legal. A swell nice and give one piece of advice to prospective students. Okay, so if you are a perspective hoki, the one thing I would say to you is to come into this with an open mind. Do not step into the school with one major one minds that one quick once that plan, because as soon as you come in, it's going to get crazy.