Meet Andrew!

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I'm from Whittier College, and today I'm going to be talking to my friend Andrew. He is also a transfer student so he can talk a little bit about being a transfer student to Whittier. Um, just like I was And what his experience doing that has been, like, so shout out to my friend Andrew. I'm Katie Ann, and we're going to talk to This is my good friend Andrew. Uh, actually, we've had almost all of our classes together since the bio department is so small. Grew up in so much puzzling you talk about like, why did you choose Whittier? Like what made you want to come to Whittier over any other school? Um, a big thing for me. Not only a student body, um, in the size of the school. That was, you know, like a major university where there's, like, 800 people for lecture Hall. I wanted it to be a much smaller than that, Like the ratio that we have here. Um, so I think that was like a big selling point for me. I think both of us had, like, a unique experience coming in as transfer students and just jumping into classes with people that already knew each other and had known each other for years already. Um, what? What was kind of your experience with that? I came into a class where everyone have been together since freshman year, and I didn't know a single person. Um, but at the end of I think it was like week three. I already had, like, a group shot with a whole bunch of other students, and we were studying together, ate meals together. I just had to take that initial step of, like, jumping into it. I feel like I've never gotten as many like texts and emails from people that I don't even know. At what year you'll have a class with someone, and they'll just, like, message you or find you on instagram and, like, want to connect with you or be your friend? Well, I just think that's a nice part of, like, the small school that we do go to is everyone. Like, even if you do have just one class, But you have another place with that person again, they will reach out to you. They want to have, like, that social interaction with you. I mean, that's kind of like we became friends just because, like, the school is so small, you're taking the same classes. You are also a biology major, and you also came from a different school. So what would you say? Like the what are your academic climate is like, so I definitely think that, um, classes here are definitely challenging, but in a good way. Um, so you may have to grind for two weeks for that exam, but the outcome of that exam is well worth the two weeks with Brian. I also think that the professors here are super motivating in the sense that they want all this to succeed in whatever resources that you need to get that end goal that they want you to get to. You yourself want to get to, uh, competitive, But it's super fun. So what would be your advice to yourself as a freshman? Or when you first started attending Whittier get involved with clubs? That would be a huge thing, because that's another social outlet. Um, and you may think that you're different than other people, but everyone there or here at Whittier. Um, you kind of share like that same George Temple And just don't be nervous about it. Big groups freaked me out, but coming from someone like myself, I highly advise doing Thank you again for doing this with me. Um, it's just another instance where you can't get rid of me. Um, perspective kind of tells you a little bit more about what it's like to be a student. To my friend Andrew for doing this with me, and I'll see you all next time.