"Making my way down Locust!"

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D'Oh d'Oh D'Oh D'Oh d'oh making my weight down looking almost at the end of the school. As I was mentioning another video, Look, it's watch stretches from about thirty second Street and walnut, which you'll understand once you get on campus all the way down to a fortieth street. So pretty much at that point, it's really like your off campus. That's really just in regards to housing and all the food and options that are around campus. So once you get to forty years, you know you'll see a bunch of different apartment. So that's another housing option that students will take, which will give them the opportunity to start. You know, if you really want to this how you start learning about what it means to rent and living in your own house. Know that others up without living in a dorm with a bunch of other people. Most people during their freshman year start looking into off campus housing. Um, pretty early start finding people that they are closely and are finding to be reliable, since you do have to pay rent and they're pretty really great options all around campus for off campus housing. Fifty five percent of students living on campus, the other forty percent do not live on campus. Whether that be looking at home living in one of the all campus apartments over here s so quickly this just end of Locust walk right here, which is a much of like And it's just like the end of locust walk with pens painted brown burgundy gray bricks on it. Oh, most students aren't on campus where I have aren't on campus. Pens really make an effort to get a lot of sins back on campus just to keep more sins on campus. Let's have a warm our culture here on campus. So whether you're on campus are off campus really doesn't affect how you're going to be living as a student in the sense like you'll still be a part of the community. The only difference is that you may not have a dorm that's doing a bunch of different activities because you'll be looking on your own.