Maile talks wacky classes

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When you're in college, please take advantage of all the classes that they have to offer a lot of, like the favour. My favorite classes that I've taken since I've come to college have any, like, random classes that no one would ever to think to take. Kick boxing, cardio kickboxing took that two semesters ago, and last semester I took a scuba, actually, basic scuba. Uh, I got, like, three units of credit for school, but I also got certification right here. It all came with class situation because it was just one of those regular classes that you could take as an elective and everything. So you don't take a look at the roster, but they have available a lot of times. I tell people that I'm taking these classes, and they're like, I don't even know they have that. I saw that they had crossed, available, and, um, it's really cool and expended all of nothing.