Mabee you should come to Baker! Mabee Hall, Part 1

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There was a giant class in maybe four hundred, the other larger lecture hall, and I could not get a good shot of all of them through the window. So I brought you into another typical classroom that's reminiscent of the one in my poli, um, hall video. This building houses are psychology, business, exercise science department, which is, like pre Petey or pre exercise based medicine. Basically, um and then we also have our athletic department's office is in here and the gym and the cardio room in the weight room. So I'm going to show you the maybe Jim, which is cool. I want to bring you in here, get up to date on everything else that is in this building. Then here's just another looks yet kind of a typical size classroom. This classroom has white borns projector things that normal classrooms have. These windows, they're just really pretty. Maybe, and that was the science Department is really cool and a lot of exercise science classes are in this room, so this is a full on Jim. It's not like a gym like Gold's Gym or the gym that were in part one of this video. We have wrestling and dance here, so they practice in here and you could see there's mirrors, so to do returns in here with the mirrors if mats in here for wrestlers. Something that's really fun about this part of campus is that their activities in here sometimes. We play bingo for a bag of groceries, which is super great when you don't have a lot of money and you don't have a lot of food. Then another thing that I've done here is a dodgeball mixer with another fraternity on campus, which was super duper super duper fun. Had a great time doing that, So I just want you to show this It's pretty wild But there's like, ah, whole gym in this building. I hope you enjoy the tours of the other buildings.