Liza talks UMD

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I'm a sophomore communications major from Chicago, Illinois. I'm in Terps fun, that's organization that raises money for Children's National Hospital. Oh, I do Greek life serves, which is an organization that puts on food drives in DC. Tell us why you chose to come to Maryland. I came to Maryland because I really wanted to get out of the Midwest and go to a big school. I just thought Maryland had so many opportunities, especially being so close to D. C. Obviously all those opportunities. Just like there's so many organizations and really great communities that make the big school smaller, how would you describe our student climate? I feel like it's such a big school that you've got a mix of like everything, and you can really find the people you are like or not like. Like in you wannabe Ra. It's very diverse. I'm like one of the few people from Chicago, but I mean, I like that. It's definitely more diverse than where I'm from and get, You know, so many different types of people and people are from Maryland, where they're from New Jersey. What would you say? Your academics are likely the workload in your major like that. So I'm a communications major, Um, and I feel like all of it's like much work you put into it, like it can be a lot, but also, if you don't want oh, well, if you want good grades, I feel like it's kind of a lot along with, like all the different types of people, I feel like there's all the different types of students, like you have people who are in the library twenty four seven and then you also people who party TwentyFourSeven like feeling based everything. What are some pros and cons ago? Um, for me, the biggest kind is probably that it's far from my house, which I wanted that but like I'm really close to my family, so that would be a con for me. If you don't want a big school, that's probably Khan. It is really big, but I do think you can make it smaller, but I might be biased because I like, like joining things and stuff. Prado's amazing resource is amazing opportunities, really great people, such a pretty campus, especially in the fall, being so close to D. C. That's like the biggest pro for me. What defines our school, what makes it different from others? I feel like we have a lot more school pride than a lot of people. Like when I had friends coming visit, they're really wow. People really walk around like everyone's wearing Maryland here. I thought that was like normal for all colleges, but I guess it's not. If you could give advice to your high school self, what would it be? Um, I would just say it's all gonna work out. I was the person like the last day before May, first deciding where Mom to go to school and definitely made the right decision.