Life in Juniper Poplar

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Creasy is AB student and this is my so split up into two sides might remain going. We like to decorate, So I got some pumpkins right here. Is this typewriter? No rooms, complete a typewriter. You know, we have our bed and you can actually have these beds raised by the maintenance crews, but a little request coming next week. The art is not to safety right now, so we kind of have, like And now the little room down here, we got a television in this corner and then on the other side of the little cave snacks in there. The man cave gone on? Yeah, like, create another room if you want. What if you notice, like, as your first month like, what have you learned? I think everyone kind of panicked a little bit. They like me living with strangers and that they just met. Like the size of the room and then, like you guys aren't exactly the same to yourself. A lot of the time, there's a lot of privacy and Libyan adore. I think that initially, but like I worry about that now I don't really anymore s o for people who have never had to share room with anyone before. Like, what advice would you give them? So like to keep modern clean out this mentality. I never know when you get a visitor and my mom's coming to town. So I just want to keep it presentable and good like you because you will have, like, social events like you hang out, have a movie night in your room. So you just don't be that person that, like every wants to avoid. I mean, you're like the prime beneficiary of that. What would you say is like your first impression of us F. And has it held true through the month. So I ever since I stepped on campus, that team of divers and he's been really like President, we graduate more minorities and any other college in the state of Florida. You can see that you walk around every Greeks represented never respected you. Like just the living environment here like this is a much bigger dorm than what you get another in a very city. You don't like in trapping some prison cell like some dorm. So that's something I'm really appreciative for a student of your own scene side. So we actually share a bathroom with next week over it. It is two more elements that live past those doors over there, and we usually make these remain agreements. We never have so like butt heads to get in the shower, anything like that. So they make it really easy for our job and even downstairs never own laundry facilities. To make matters even about here, we have our own saying so give a body that's using the shower or in the bathroom.