Liam came all the way from Scotland to tell you about Baker

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Why did you choose Baker? Would you choose to go here? I personally chose Baker as Baker showed a lot of interest in me when I was tryingto get recruited. I want to carry on my academics on DH to also run a cz well on DH. So Baker's a great academic on DH athletic program. If you could, like, describe the student body, a baker and a few words, what would you describe it as, um, enthusiastic, Determined on loving cool. Then what is thie economic climate in your major? And why'd you choose Avenger? I personally and chose my majors. I chose education because it's always being something that I was really interested. The kids be teaching kids is just something that I think really passionate about. Um, and I believe that physical education is important part of, uh, children's growth on I think it needs to be more. I think it needs to be given more, uh, reputation and want to service. What's the P program like Baker? I would say it's pretty, uh, really strong. We have Ah, it's it's run by a Dr Edwards. She's a great adviser, and currently I'm actually working in hole in elementary school, working very closely with teachers there on getting to really experience there. So I feel that that's, uh that's really cool. Well, let's keep walking as you answer the last question. What is your favorite and least favorite part about school? Uh, least favorite part about school is there aren't enough hours in the day. I feel like, okay, to do fun things to do fun things on, then. You have a lot of student athletes on campus on a lot of love, and it takes up a lot of time, I'd say, and you know, when you know when you know, working out or doing other things, you're most likely in the library or in the union studying or homework. I'm my favorite thing about Baker is the baker community the family that we have here? Yeah. So It's a great, great place, Tio to live and learn So live and learn a great place to live in Learn here that sign off.