Let's Check Out the Jerome Library!

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So we are on the very first floor of the drone library, and I thought I would show you that some of the stuff that drum has to offer for students right behind us is the collapse. It's a brand new workspace that just opened up, I think last year, Um, they have a three D printer. You could learn different computer programs, origami, anything like that and but are completely free for students to use. We've talked a little bit about it takes before. It's just a convenience store that we have here on campus. So if you're studying, you want a snack? You want a drink? You've been here a while. You're talking dollars to buy something to eat or drink. Uh, computer lab has Mac and PC computers, as well as black and white and color printing and those blue walls back there. We offer a completely free tutoring for literally every class, but is taught here b g s u learning comments. You they walk in hours or you can make an appointment. I mean, it's really great resource because, you know, even if you just you have a being you wanted a You can come to the learning commons work with a student who's taken the class before and who's in direct communication with the professor. I've used learning comments once or twice for like, a big project or a test that I wasn't feeling so good about. They're really helpful, so it's Definitely. I think the best resource that we have here in the library. Hey, has So I'm on the third floor of the drum library. We have lots of different stuff appear from record CD's tapes, headphones for people to listen to it all with the sheet music. We have computers for sound, mixing and stuff like that we have right behind me. All these shelves are filled with music, books, music album. They separated by instrument in the classical music section on It's really cool. If you are interested in music, playing music, history of music or just listening to some cool music for free, definitely come up and check out the third floor. So I'm here with my good friend Batman on the fourth floor of the drum library and the brown popular cultural every in popular culture Library is actually, it was one of the very first of its kind. They have, like, this entire collection of buttons and all this stuff. You know, just about anything you can think up. So it's really cool in his open for students to visit at any time, so definitely come check it out. So right now we're on the seventh floor of the drum library. I'm gonna walk around in just a second, so you can see we have different cubicles with tables and whiteboards, Fetal work on projects with your friends with we've booths. Uh, so if you just want a little bit of background noise, will you study? Come appear or if you like. I wanna study together for a big test that you have with your friends. Come up here or if you have, like a group, work a group project, this is a great place to do it. So I'm gonna walk around the group study first. So that's about it for a tour of the Jerome today. It's open until two AM during the week, but it is open twenty four seven, except for Sundays the last two weeks of the semester because those air finals week in Dead Week. So students will be here literally, literally, all hours of the day studying. We're gonna get on inside so you can see what it's like. Um, I personally don't like to study at the library because my residence hall has studied launches that I honestly find it just more inconvenient cause the library's a little far from where my residents hole is. I know a lot of people who do like to study the drum and it has a lot of other resource is besides just being a good place to study.