Lauren's Dorm Room Tour!

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Basically, our posters that I took from the art school. So one of my door women essentials is this US cycle. I got on campus and I can't get out of your beach on the bell tower. I've found other units cyclers at the school, which is a surprise, like how many year cycle is to you now? So I have a yoga mat because, Tom plus free yoga classes at the IBC. Like Jim, I don't know what that stands for. I think the independent BlueCross gym, which is a block away from my door. I just like to have this have real flowers because they die. Guys, I have all the stickers basically chilling on my wall because I don't want to stick them than anything. At also all the light at night is like lights that I brought here. So this is my calendar, Tyler on it basically has, like what's happening every day, that to me, here's a guy. Something important is the shoe rack because I would be so disorganized without it and basically start my shoes over there. It looks neat and I put no effort in my view outside, I have a view of Cease will be more, and it's very interesting, very allowed at night. A lot of people was a bar across the street, and I can see Temple Public Safety from here. There's Champs Diner, which is open over the weekend. It's very nice to just people watch and at my lovely see. So the more I use cigar boxes is storage to put stuff in because their aesthetic and cute it's a way to recycle. I got a text book over here for my Gen. Ed. Yes, still even read that some more books got some posters hanging up. I love things and student crime love the Amazon So I get everything I own. I have a lot of dorm decor because I'm like that. Um, I like to hang out my side losses on the wires of the TV. I don't know if that's a fire hazard or not, but I think I'm fine. So my Norman Cay with the frickin television, even selfie. I don't watch much TV, but if I wanted to, it definitely could I get cable and there's a list of channels. So this dresser here came with the room, But these hooks on it has a lot of room. Just find a hang up in the city because you never know when you'll find a tree. Got my shower, which is actually a lot bigger than my shower last year. I'm just saying, you know, shelves like in Morgan, my showers a lot smaller, so loving this public tours under this saying things, and you Andi, Here's our kitchen food. You can see we got the goods and a freezer so I can make ice cubes. This one I use for buzzing in and buzz it into the elevator. I got a mailbox key which I have never used, cause no one sends me letters, but yes, it's always gonna have to saw me, and I cannot lose any of them. So what happens if you get locked out here? First lock out is free yet a But after that, you have to pay money if yet locked out further nooky.