Katie: Why I Chose Pacific

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Hi, My name is Katie and I am a second year two plus three pre pharmacy student at University of the Pacific for the Stockton campus. I am from Sacramento, California. So the school isn't really all that far from me. It's only about an hour drive there, and that really stuck out to me as something that I wanted in a college, because I was able to still get that experience of being away from home, living in a dorm, all that type of stuff, eating UC food. But at the same time, I was still able to visit home on three day weekends and get kind of like the best of both worlds, in my opinion. Also just in general, the school has a really nice looking campus, and I feel like through the event Tiger Day, I was able to see that in person. Basically, Tiger Day is a day where admitted students and their parents get to go to the campus, get some tours, learn more about student life and financial aid. Also about programs that are offered, you get to meet faculty and staff at the school, as well as current students. And lastly, but I feel like one of the most important things, is you get to spend some time with future classmates, potential classmates, some of which you have already accepted their offer, but also others who have not. And you just kind of get to form those social connections before you head into class together in the fall. I really loved my Tiger Day experience, and I put together a short little clip of what that looked like for me. So you can kind of get a feel of what the campus looks like. And so I will go ahead and insert that right here. Isn't the campus just gorgeous. But with that being said, the primary reason why I chose UOP is because of the program that they offer. They offer a pre pharmacy advantage program, which can get you your PharmD in as little as five years, which is very fast. Like the name implies, this program is very rigorous and accelerated. With that being said, it still is very manageable, and you do have the option to decelerate if it gets a little bit too overwhelming and I feel like It's nice that the option is there for you and that you're not stuck being in the program that you are admitted to. So let's break down the name 2+3. That means that there are two years of undergraduate study that you will be doing and three years of professional graduate study that you will be doing same goes with 3+3 except three years of undergrad and same with 4+3. And because of this program, I feel very ready for pharmacy school in the fall. That's when I will be advancing. I feel like I've been adequately prepared for what's to come in that, and I'm really excited to advance. The last thing that I have to say about UOP if I were to say one thing about my time there, what I've enjoyed the most is really just the community of people. I think that everyone there is super nice, all the professors and the students. I feel like a part of a group with the pre-pharm people in that program, but also with just everyone in general. It's really nice to get to know people who can experience the same struggles as you in the pre-pharm program, but also those who may be experienced different struggles. And you kind of get to get a taste of different people. And there's a lot of diversity in that respect. And I just really think that that's a general, really good experience. To have. So, with all of this being said, I hope this informative video help you please stay tuned to see more in the future about UOP and my experiences there. And I hope to be able to help you make your decision to see if UOP is the right place for you