Katie: Pacific Dorm Room Tour

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Hi, my name is Katie and I'm a two plus three pre pharm sophomore and today I'll be giving you a dorm tour of my freshman year dorm. And this footage is footage that I took when I first moved in and I set up my room and got it all pretty and decorated. And so I hope this kind of gives you an idea of what to expect, although I did have a single room, so it might be a little bit different in the respect that they will be double the things because obviously two beds and stuff like that, but it will generally be the same. I also lived in Southwest, so dorms and the quads might look slightly different, but it should be about the same idea. So I just hope this gives you an overall general idea of kind of what to expect and maybe, I don't know, ideas for decorations. So first off to start, I just want to say that there are little cactus papers on everyone's door with our names on them. I just thought it was super cute and it kind of brought the community together and we could kind of see who lived in what room and it was just a nice little touch overall, the room does come with a desk chair, but I really like the desk chair that I have, I'm currently sitting in it right now. And so I decided that I would bring that from home and I would use the chair that came with the room as sort of a chair to sit down and put my shoes on just right by the door because I kind of had my shoe rack right next door there. So it just worked out really well. The closet was actually pretty decent sized. I was a little concerned about if I brought too many clothes or how many clothes to bring. And so it worked out very well above the closet too. I also put a tray to eat and also some cleaning supplies. Just this kind of extra space up there and inside the closet there was a little shelf and on that shelf I put some towels and below that was the rack for clothing. I also bought a dresser from Target and I put some additional clothing and socks and stuff in that. There's also an additional dresser in the room that I use for snacks and utensils and that kind of food stuff. And so I put that there which is actually right next to my fridge. And so I highly recommend getting a little mini fridge and a little microwave if you can, there are size specifications. So I would look on the UOP website to see those. But what's nice about if you have a roommate is that one of you can get the fridge and the other of you can get the microwave. So you kind of split the cost in that way. Another hack that I have is that underneath the bed is a great place for storage. I had two pretty large bins under there and you couldn't tell that I had large bins under there. And so it was just a really nice place to have some extra stuff that isn't visible so it will not look cluttered at all. There's also another dresser that was in my room. And so I had that kind of as a nightstand and I put some extra stuff in it that didn't really fit anywhere else. And also it just made the room look a lot cleaner that way as well. And next to there I had a desk and that's what the desk generally looks like. There are some compartments on the side on the top is a compartment where you can lock. So if you have any valuables or anything special you can stick it in there. And then below that is the just general drawers where you can place textbooks or whatever you need at your desk. I also highly recommend getting charger clips or something. Just make sure that there a brand that will not damage anything when you take them off because you obviously don't want to damage the desk but they are super helpful in keeping cords de cluttered and easily accessible. I also got a printer for my room which made life a lot easier. It really isn't 100% necessary because you can obviously go to the library to print stuff. And that library is really just next door to Southwest but it really did make life convenient when I was just typing up something. And by press print and I grab behind me and I just grabbed my piece of paper. Um But honestly a nice walk to the library wouldn't hurt either. This is just something that I had that I found to be helpful. And another tip that I have for you is this might not be the most aesthetically pleasing. But I had a command hook on my door and that's where I put my lanyard that had my I. D. And my keys on it. And so every time I left my room I would make sure that I would not forget it because it's right there in front of my face. And those are important things to have with you. You need your I. D. To buy things at the U. C. Or even get into back into your residential hall and you need your keys to unlock the door obviously to get back into your room. If you do forget this though and you have a roommate you can ask your roommate um In my case or if your roommates busy and you really need to get into your room you can always ask your R.A. they are there to help in that kind of situation as well. Lastly decorating the room was just a fun part of moving into your own space and a part of college life. It's really fun to just make the room your own and decorate it however you please. And so I encourage you to have some fun with this. I know I did. I loved making little D.I.Y.s to hang on the walls and kind of spice up my room because I knew that I would be living there for quite some time, and I wanted to make this my home away from home. But overall, I really hope that this video kind of gave you some sort of idea of what to expect in a typical dorm room, and I hope it provided some excitement about moving in the fall.