Katie Huy - Why I Chose Whittier College

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My name is Katie Ann, and I'm from Whittier College. So I am originally from Southern California, and I live in Fullerton, California Right now I am currently taking classes remotely through with your college, and I have been since the fall of 2020. Well, I originally heard about what, Your college through a friend and I actually decided to apply mostly because I had a fee waiver for the application. I did actually end up going to with your college. Here's some reasons why I decided to do that. Number one with your college really fit my personality. What I was looking for in college number two with your college really fit my career goals and number three. Um, I came from a community college, and it was a really small campus, and I really enjoyed that close knit community. I love meeting new people, so that's just kind of my type of vibe for school and what your college really has that very close knit community. I really loved that because it's been really easy to build communities. It's really been great to make friends that way. Um, and also the professors are really easy to talk to. You just get the sense on campus that it's really calm. It's really chill and that everybody is willing to work with each other. Number two, uh, with your college really fit well with my career goals. I'm a biology major, and I want to eventually attend grad school and become a professor. So a few things that you need if you're going to attend grad school, is you need a lot of experience. You need letters of recommendation, you need live experience. I really felt that Whittier was going to be able to offer all of that to me. They have brand new science building, so that was really exciting to me. Um, and then I do know it's it's very small, and it's really easy to meet your professors, and there's a lot of lab opportunities, and that's really important for someone who is trying to go to grad school. Number three is my values coming from a community college. I came from a very diverse A very, um, inclusive campus. When I was looking for private colleges and small private colleges in California, that wasn't very easy to find because I knew that Whittier has huge emphasis on social justice, empowerment of marginalized communities and ensuring that all their students feel included and empowered. That really motivated me to go to what you're into apply Twitter because that was a unique, um, experience that I wasn't gonna find at a lot of other private institutions. Overall, I am relatively new to the Whittier community. In just the short few months that I've been part of this college, I really felt that this was home and with your college had a lot of the attributes that I was looking for in the university and a lot of things that I really valued for my education. I really enjoy being at Whittier, and I've only been there for a short period of time, but I really felt that there is a lot of love and there's a lot of care on this campus for its students. Um, that coming from the student body, um, student leaders, even professors and all the way up to the institution. I feel like what here is very empowering and carrying community where you're going to feel supported and going to feel ready to take on whatever's next after college. Thank you for watching my real and I'll see you next time.