Jodi shows you the residential hall (dorm)

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Teeler place on all of the holes based on, like some movie or something again, pop culture. So this for it's twelve into Our place is sweet. Of course, everyone has like all the Halloween decorations. Like as you go down the hall, the halls are like, really long. They're for each person and then right on the right, Use the bathroom. There's a sharp where in the bathroom there will be here. There were any baths and I love, but right When you come out, here's the room. They're pretty spacious there, like some of the most spacious dorm dorm rooms I've heard, like across all colleges. So some of these lead up to just like, a whole wall that's a window. It comes with a desk in a drawer, and then it comes with the bed. I recommend getting a bed pad just because they're really leak hard and it can hurt your back at times. A lot of people get little mattresses so that their cut more comfortable. So some of the doorman essentials are curing which we were roommates, freshmen year and sophomore year. So when we were in the dorms, like you securing a lot, you made three times. Yeah, that's nice to you, because I spent so much money on, like, water bottles and like, big jugs of water. Also like walking to the CVS around here, like carrying those huge jugs was so have horrible. Sometimes I made people carry them for me, but we don't talk about, um, yeah, but also just been in the dorm in a while. I didn't think about this, but get up like it because the sea gets chilly to O. J. And so he's nice, Like movie nights and stuff, so and extra pillows. Yeah, that's definitely true, because you were by then they're just up here. If you sleep on this because, like, I'd be hot on this side, and then you would be like releasing you on the other side. So grayling extra blankets to account for different temperatures. Yeah, like one side is always gonna be, like, different on the other, so that's definitely an important thing in these storms.