Jodi shows you the gym

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Hey, So we're actually not allowed to film after Jim, Just out of respect of people working out, I know I was working out. That was, like, the place that we could so red as you get off the elevators, there, this view right here, and it's honestly, like, so gorgeous. This is what I was telling you guys like there's thought, um, structure that Oh, not there, right there. That's a structure that I was telling you guys about. That lake is kind of the landmark, like the downtown camera. Yeah, you can see the dorms to which I'm trying to find my finger there, right there. Like, next door, this is like called the Y m. C. A. And you can access that through this gym. Then you can also use those, and they actually cannot use like, our facilities. Yeah, this is like a very popular destination during summer, so there's a rubber duck. I've actually taking a yoga class in that room, and it's like Nice because you're looking out over the pool and it's like super cute fun like a lot of people think pictures up here to This is just so pretty as you walk down the hall, there's the locker rooms. Obviously, No, they have like a lot of stuff here because Michael Phelps actually late. What? What if he didn't feel like that's what coach always like a swim coach helper kind of release? Yeah, he So sometimes he's like here and you can see him on campus, not at the downtown campus of Tempe campus. Yeah, and then this is just like what the locker room looks like. Here's some shower man Peter, the actual locker and from here is really you access the pool. I don't have my key card on me right now, so we can't get out there. They have that, like, nice big window where you can see outside on and actually the access to that yoga room. I was talking about is just like right on the corner. I'm ho from the women's locker room and knots of you also from, like, around the corner from the pool. I don't think you can get in here, okay? So here's where they keep, like all the mats stuff. Then usually the instructors up there and then the rest of us air back here. No. This is if I actually, like, made my back crack way more than I thought it should have. Um, but yes, like you've got this nice view of downtown and their hammocks.