Jodi asks Hannah about her thoughts on the campus

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Way are at the Snow and Wilmer Plaza at the downtown campus. Introduced yourself, and then tell me why you chose to come. I came from New Jersey to Arizona State, which was a big deal for me because I've never really come west. Um, I'm really worried about it, but I came to the downtown campus and it is so beautiful here. It's, like, seventy five degrees out right now. Um, and especially the Cronkite school, which both Joe and I are studying is super specified and kind of focused on journalism and your major and everything. How would you describe the student body here? Or at least like on the downtown campus? Yeah. Downtown's a bit quieter, and I think less like crazy than the Tempe campus because our majors down here I don't want to say harder, but they're like a specialized, yeah specialized program. Like it kind of feels like a trade school, like everyone is very focused on, like their major and what they're doing in their own classes. Whereas Tempe feels a lot more like a big like general college, downtown's a little bit more quiet. People are more serious, but you know when they go out, they go out. Very true, and, like I know our freshman year, we would always, like, have to take lifts or uber's Tio. If you don't have a car, you'll spend a lot of money like downtown's great for work and everything. If you want to go out, Tempe is the place to be, so you go back and forth along. So how would you say academic climate is had Walter Cronkite school, which is your major crank? It is competitive, but I think in a good way where especially think with like a communication field. Everyone kind of wants each other to do well, and if someone has a connection, they passed it on to you. You know, it's I don't think I've taken mean maybe one or two classes that I don't think will really help me. All the journalism classes, I feel like are things that I need to know and that are going to help me after school. What's your favorite and least favorite part of this? No favorite part. I feel like I keep saying it, but it's probably that everything I feel like I'm doing, like is going to apply to me in the future. You know, worry that a lot of my friends and stuff are gonna feel like they're graduating and you still don't really know what they want to dio or what they can do. What you'll probably see in Jodie's tour it's just kind of a couple blocks. We don't really have God very obvious area like the Temple campus. Sometimes walking alone at night can be a little bit creepy just because it's the city, and I think you get that anywhere, but it's just kind of part of being in the city.