Jobs On and Off Campus at MSU

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So this sex video is just me talking about how possible it is for people to have jobs outside of school while you're in school, Montclair. How many options there are on campus for youto have on campus jobs. So I know it's like a spread rumor that it is very difficult to have a job but also to go to school. What Claire makes up really easy, and it's a really great time management. So I decided to share with you some of the stuff that my friends and people that I know do outside of school as well, because there is a lot of time toe have a job, but I think that's really important. So I just want to share a little bit of that with two guys. Remind Zack Holograph Go Democracy University, and my job is I work part time at Abercrombie and Fitch. Hi, I'm a lifestyle blogger, and I blogged about nutrition fitness just howto live your best life. You know, we're curing the theater office and I make copies and scans. I'm social media manager, and I also teach me good theater workshop classes. Hi, I'm Alex Burchill and outside of school music directing conduct shows. Um, um, I I work in the center of Science and Mathematics Building, and I do office work. This video really clarifies for you that Mount Claire cares a lot about your education, but it cares a lot about your lifestyle to and the other things that you want to be doing. I hope this clarifies, but our questions you might have had about working and also going to school while being at Montclair. If you want to check out more, there's a lot more information on cleaner on this channel and feel free to check all that out.