Jelani explains the "Shopping Period" at UPenn - Hint: you're not buying clothes

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So one of the biggest things I think you should take advantage of is the shopping period. Okay, But what? I mean, you take advantage of the opportunity ghetto, try all the different classes that you can. It were, if you'd like to, because some people come in with the mindset thinking that their schedule is set in stone and they find out that the teacher they have is really not that great of a greater gives them test every day. They have twenty thousand pages of reading every night. You don't want that? So what you should do, Take advantage of the fact that you should or you can switch in and on it, classes for about three weeks in the beginning of each semester and try out different classes. You know, if you can don't go to your class and go to another section of that class. Maybe one of your friends in that class, so maybe you'll be better off with a friend who could give you nose. Okay, if you miss a class, okay? Even though I don't advise it. Every once in a while, okay? Sometimes you just happen to sleep there. Being able to use the shopping period is something you should just take advantages right away. You see that light? Okay, so right now I'm leaving work. Yeah, Shocking period is definitely something very important to take advantage of. Because if you don't, you could end up in a situation where you're stuck in a class and you find out that maybe the grating isn't gonna go your way. Okay? And then you're stuck with limited options, because afterwards, the shopping period ends after those third weeks than you have about two or three more weeks before you can only drop in class. So if you're in the College of Arts and Sciences that means you're a freshman year, you'll have four classes, and if you decide to drop one after the ad drop here, you'll be considered a part time student and not full time versus someone who's in the College of Engineering. They may have five classes, so it's okay for them to drop a class, and they'll still be continue a full time student. So bet four class policy really works war students in the school of Nursing Warren and the college Arts and Science. So what I mean by that again is just the fact that most of time, those schools only allow. So the school nursing Warren and College arts and Sciences really only allow their freshman student to take four classes in the beginning of their freshman year. As a result, if they decide to drop after the ad drop period, then they won't have an opportunity to be considered a full time student anymore because they'll only be taking three classes instead of the minimum, which is four.