Isabel takes on Tacos Mariachi in Lower Greenville

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Uh, it's a really cool part of Dallas, and, um, there's a lot of really lied and really cool restaurants. Was a trader Joe's right there You're familiar with here, Jos? Uh, basically, we're here tonight some tacos at this new place called Talkers. I'm sitting here with wait a few more people in line, but basically write tacos. Uh, pretty normal s of Unite out because I like you. You say that this was kind of like a typical night out on the S a new campus. Um, so what do you think? What's your favorite place to go eat at you, like not led around campus? Yeah, I really like onee Roman, huh? We've been there. Like, is there a certain type of Rahman? No. It's kind of like you make you build your own like it's customized. Well, I Q thing get free men once, too, but I customize mine, but I like it just cause it's really spicy. Thank you, guys for joining me, Going to Tucker's mariachi just for a quick bite out. Then we'll be going back to bows and showing you kind of what a typical event.