Introduction Video

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I'm a transfer senior here at johnson and Wales University in providence Rhode island. My major is culinary arts and my minder is in culinary sustainability. I actually am not from Rhode Island, but I figured like, hey, why not attend the school that's outside of my state. Um so the reason why I chose johnson and Wales University is because I want to expand my knowledge when it comes to culinary arts. Fun fact about me, I actually received my associates degree in culinary arts before I even attended johnson was university. I received my degree at Hudson County Created College, which is a local college back at home, New Jersey, New Jersey. Um so that's pretty exciting to know about that. Um so currently right now I actually am in Rhode Island, I'm taking my classes. I'm doing a little bit both in person and remote um just because I'm currently lab right now, so I am required to take in person, but it's totally okay, like, you know, despite the fact that this pandemic and everything um although there are some challenges. Um I would say that, you know, it's been very pretty fun here at johnson. Was university still like whether pandemic pandemic, you know, what are you gonna do? Um So what led me to pursue my education at johnson's University? Um So like I mentioned before too, I got my associates degree in culinary arts, but I wanted to expand more, so I wanted to receive my bachelor's degree in culinary arts and I'm also aiming to get my Masters degree and food safety just because like I'm really interested in the whole of food safety aspect and hopefully I can become a food inspector and everything. What I love about attending johnsonville University, it's just the culture in the diversity. When I say diversity, I don't mean specifically by race and ethnic background. More specifically on that, I'm actually attending a school where I can meet people who have come from different states. I have some friends who are like from Washington. Um, I have friends who are from Cali florida Minnesota, like all that type of stuff. Um, I would definitely say that attending a university that has such a broad culture. It's just that, you know, helps you learn different life lessons. Um, I actually learned a lot of things about myself and you know, just being around my friends and everything. I definitely learned a lot has actually helped me improve as a person. I would definitely say that that's one of the best things attending on johnson's University. Too is that of course attending the culinary arts program. Um so as of recently they changed it to the College of Food Innovation Technology, but again, like it's still within the same program, we offer culinary arts of culinary sustainability, sustainable food systems, bacon and pastries, culinary science and product development and many more. Um so as I mentioned before, I'm also mina ring and culinary sustainability. Um so what really interested me in getting into color sustainability was by my chef instructor, um chef luis. So chef luis has really, really helped me expand my knowledge when it comes to sustainability, and I personally feel that, you know, because I've already had chef luis and he has definitely like introduced me when it comes to like the science aspect of culinary. Um I wanted to learn a little more about the food and everything, but not just about food, but also our environment because there's so much that's going on the environment. I feel like as a chef to, you need to understand more about your ingredients, um Local ingredients around you. Um Local farms, there might be some hidden gems, which I'm currently learning right now actually. Um but stuff like that, I just think it's pretty interesting to learn everything. So when, so when I first came to johnson was university, it was actually last year, I was like, I mentioned before I am a transfer student. Um so I definitely already had some background when it comes to culinary arts, Another fun fact about me. So that's where I first started my culinary career. Then from then on that's when I was like, you know what this is for me, that's what I really want to do. Another fun fact about me too is that I actually attended a vocational high school. That's where I actually started the culinary arts program. From then on that's when I, you know, started attending my local community college to earn my associates degree in culinary arts. Then that's when I transferred over to johnson Wills University. From then on that's when I started to feel inspired and motivated to be in the culinary program and to also become a chef and hopefully work for other companies that are within the same, you know, food service industry as well. That's a little bit about me and I hope you all enjoyed it.