Introduction: Hello Everyone!

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My name is Poppy Air Smith, and I'm gonna be your tour guide for Linfield College in McMinnville, Oregon. So before I go into a little bit about Lindfield, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about myself. I live in McCall, which is a really small town in the middle of nowhere. Um, so moving to Oregon was a really big switch for me. The weather was different, The people were different. I I was not ready for, but I'm so glad that I did it. Uh, I am on the women's golf team here at one field, and I'm also a part of multiple different clubs. So I worked with in my residence hall to, like, build community plane events, do that kind of stuff. I'm also in Circle K, which is the Volunteering club here on campus. I'm also in the pre medical up because I am a premed student. I'm a biochemistry major, Um, and a wine studies minor just because I wanted to do something fun here while I was here. So I decided to minor and wine studies just to get a different aspect of stuff. I have two younger siblings, both whom I love very much. It has been really hard to be away from them here, Lynnfield. The family that I built here is definitely worth it. Er and so I'll go into a little bit about my school. So when filled is a really small school and in the middle of organ way are about an hour outside of Portland, and we're also only an hour away from the coast. We're about thirty minutes away from Salem, so we're kind of right in the middle of everything. Um, right now I'm sitting in the middle of the intramural field, which is right outside my dorm. Actually, it is a place where in the spring and in the summer, when it's warm outside, people will come out and sit and study for hours like I will sit out here for hours and study just because we're in the sun. The grasses like green Everything is pretty, uh, trees haven't started come backto life yet, but they will soon. There is a very small student body here, but I feel like that's what makes the community here so great. Everyone is truly a family, like I have found my people. Being at Lindfield has definitely made an impact on my college experience. I think, Uh, but yeah, I'm so excited to go on this tour with you guys. I just want to show you everything I love about Winfield so that hopefully you will come to one.