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I'm a sophomore computer science major at New York Institute. Technology on Gaiety is sort of like a smaller school, at least on the New York campus, which is where I'm at. We have a larger campus at Old Westbury here in this campus. I think we only have like a thousand to two thousand students, maybe including the graduate students. It definitely has its benefits way have a really small student teacher ratio, which is great, and we're in the heart of New York. So I'd my ideas that I'd always trade a bigger school for living in the middle of New York. We don't have any sports on the New York campus on the Manhattan campus, but we are Division Teo and CIA in the West Break campus and are team mascot is there on. I think the most important, major said this school are definitely technology related. There's a lot of architecture majors here, and there's a lot of film majors. Teo like communications s O. I think there's a healthy balance of everything. You can do like an interest disciplinary studies saying on, like, food science. So I think it's a really great school and I can't wait to show you.