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Angie, I'm currently junior Actions for majoring in the Duel. Deaf education, early childhood education studies and I have a minor in American family and a minor in special education. So you agitators watching this video right now, I will be able to you guys good perspective of what it's like leaving your hometown state and moving into a new one for college. I could give you guys the pros and cons as you go through all my videos. I am so excited that you guys are watching this video right now because that means one of two things. You guys are really, really interested in blue shirt. I want to know more about the camps, all awesome things. Bloomsburg is amazing for you guys to pick as your second home. The university is located in central Pennsylvania and is surrounded by a very, very cute little tap locations actually really great because it is so close to everything you could ever meet. If you and your friends everyone go downtown to get ice cream or get something fun to eat something. They're also this shuttle service that is offered. You are 10 minutes away from driving to any supermarkets or shopping plazas and also is a bus service that shuttled from campus to the Wal Mart shopping plaza, which has a marshal's alone's a WalMart. It's got everything you could ever want, and it's about 10 minutes away at once. It also is only five minutes away from Bloomsburg Fairgrounds, which is awesome. If you guys don't know what the booms workfare is yet, well, then that just gives you a perfect opportunity to come visit our campus and final. There is all about um, other than batters also located only about 30 minutes away from one of my favorite places to go. It is ah, hiking drown that offers what different shells that you and your friends hiking on. There's waterfalls, which are absolutely beautiful and I won't hurt you. Then it's also like a little spot where just like a nice body water and some sand for you guys to go. You kind of want to go to like a little bit of fake beach. Just next to go to get you outside of your dorm or your apartment wherever you guys were living and get you out of your friend soon. Something fun away from school work, and it's a nice just peace dresser from life Close. Your university has about 9200 undergraduates, so for me that was the perfect size. I thought, because not too big and it's not too small. You're definitely not getting lost on campus, and you don't have to walk. Miles and miles between just gets class, but it's big enough where you can be yourself and meet all these new people and everything. My graduating class was about 275 suit, so I definitely wanted to go somewhere that had a lot more than that. It was overwhelming and something crazy like that and Blanchard University was the perfect fit for me and you best tell Three years later, I'm still here loving it. Having a larger number of campus is actually a huge closet because it allows university to have a bunch of student run organizations and clubs just have things going on for the students. We actually have over 250 student run organizations and clubs, so there's definitely something for everybody here. So blooms were defamation feel welcomed, and it has everything from chess clubs to soccer teams and bird watching clouds. Fact is that they don't have a club for something you are interested in. You have someone who is on a professional staff who will advise it that Superfund exciting to you to start your own after Washington's video.