
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I am your campus real representative for University of North Florida. I'm currently a soft going out of my fourth semester there, and I'm actually on my way there. What better time Toe filled the intro. Then when I'm on my way there, I thought that was such a good idea. Okay, so I'm a vile to major with a focus and still biology, which is really fun for me because I think he's really interesting. Teo, you enough is a really good school for stem Specifically, Balaji. Just because, like, not just because I like because they're nursing program is really good. So especially biomed is like top notch, like one of the best in the state. Voted twenty nineteen regional Best call it, which is really exciting, because we also got twenty, eighteen, two. I can't wait to show you all around my door and so young. You know, where I go every single day were my favorite place.