Interview with Patrick

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So welcome to the appeal Yu's office of In Mission. This is our undergraduate admissions office and where I worked part time as a student intern, another one of our student interns. Patrick is going to share a little bit about his insight of being appeal. Did you share a little bit about kind of a noose yourself? Explain why you chose peel you? Yeah, well, mine's Patrick I'm a first year student at Pacific Lutheran University, currently, contended Major, is my current intended major is sociology and religion. I just chose peel you based on like how community orientated our school is and just the student population and small school. And I felt like I really got the necessary focused I report I wanted from university. How do you describe the student body appeal? Stand by. Like I said earlier, that school is like, not too big, not too small. Everyone takes actually pretty seriously but it's overall. What's kind of your favorite and least favorite part of peel your wife. My favorite thing about period is definitely the faculty, students, professors appeal your they really do care about you and you really want to succeed something that I really saw about this school compared to others, my least favorite thing, actually is a walk journeying down to Lower Campus, where I saw my classes and the gym. So it's definitely a little hike to get down there. Some look at some of the lower campus places that Patrick was mentioning and explore a little bit these other academic buildings in the area, so stay tuned.