Interview with a transfer student

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S o I'm with Remain Andrea on And she's a transfer students. She just moved in with me about two three weeks ago. Really to talk about what it's like to transfer to Cal State election and some tips if you're considering. Don't tell me a little that I'm a calm major. Axe actually transferred from City College two years last year. So what made you choose has it? Because top majors is communication, which is my major. I had to move here but close enough that I could still dry that one. Was it like something about Camp ISS? Would you like? I came here and I really like the campus. So I think it was out of all the places I've tried, Teo, it was like the nicest campus. Was it hard? Teo transfer like head. It's in everything College knows. Yeah, I live here so I'd like to cast himself, you know. Any tips for people like considering transferring to a four or people like you are new to the campus. I feel like I'm still not used to the area like I'm still trying to, like, figure everything out. There's like a lot of clubs that I'm interested, so I'm following that monster medias.