Interview of Rachel

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I'm a secondary education English major, and I came to temple. A lot of the reason I came to Temple was because of their study abroad program. They have a campus in Rome and planning on studying abroad next year, and their education program is supposed to be very good. So I decided to apply here because I've always wanted to live in the city. She's a big step up from living in the middle of nowhere. I mean, it's it's nice being able to walk out and not have to drive five miles to hit civilization. Catch the bus case to train more trains, so much public transportation, which is like not a thing back home. Fine, Yeah, I am hopefully gonna graduate for five years with my masters and my bachelor's. I'm planning on teaching somewhere in Pennsylvania because the wages tend to be better around here and a lot of schools offer student loan forgiveness, and they often pay party masters. I didn't take a lot of just a warning to incoming Freshman. Class is relevant to your major your freshman year because you need to get all the Jets out of the way. Uh, next semester I am taking a bunch of education courses and English forces and, like algebra for educate your scores.