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Thirty and I'm heading to the library right now. My night I like just doing my readings at night and library's open toe like like a long, long, long time like in the A M so Here we go. So basically the ocean has it has eight floors and goody so ocean has ocean side has eight floors and basically each floor you go up, it gets quieter and quieter So I'll show you the eight floor but I can't talk, So spare with me Just soak it all and here we go no on the fourth floor because it's basically the same so ocean side, which is the side that mostly ever thought. So just to give you a recap, basically we have the ocean side and we also have a mountainside ocean side's the side with eight floors that goes, that gets quieter every time you go up. That's why I wasn't really talking in this video. I didn't want to disturb bathroom, anyone what they were, I study, but I'm on the first floor now and Simon Mountainside, actually. I would say I'm oceanside psych, where people go to really study and mountain size, more like group studies. We have a couple of group classroom study session or classroom like area's recon study with groups. They're closed at the moment, so I can't show you that. I hope this hope The library is one of my favorite places on campus. To be honest with you, it's really, really nice to just be a little sit down quiet space in your little corner and do your readings or your homework and study and stuff. So I highly recommend go to the library wherever you end up.