How We Got In to DU

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So in this video, we're gonna talk about how we got into d'oh and the applicant. I'm just going to be a rundown of the straight tracks. So do you use is the common app for their application, which guys know is usually one common app essay. I'm gonna ask you about your to your experience and your grades, your transcripts, all that kind of stuff. Do you just have its own, like, smaller essays? Personally, I do not have to write them. I got that weight because I had a really high standardized test score. Do you does not accept standardized test scores anymore? So they don't look at your a city? Don't look at your s a T, which can be both good and bad thing. They must look at your grades and your rest of your application. Yeah, so there should have a 50% acceptance free, which is not super high, but you shouldn't be super nervous about applying on the average de Pape applicants is so way also kind of want to give our experience with the application. I talked a lot about my volunteer work during high school, which was strongest point of my application and also talked about sports. I actually diversity tenders for four years, and I was involved in a lot of plugs, actually created our own club. Those were my strong and my common app essay was about Friday's my identity, which is pretty basic, not really think about it. I had a lot of language stuff on mine, like teaching kids stuff like that. I would say you should include ongoing stuff, not just like one time. You go into a certain best but volunteer continuously at an organization to strengthen your application on. Then I also we did make a model United Nations club at our school, so that helped a lot, and I did center my essay also wrong finding my identity, I think. There are a limited number of common out questions you could choose. Make sure that you shall consistency in your applications. Someone specifically told me that that was a big factor. It seems to show that you're passionate about something, even if it's just something generally like science or helping people. Which is why focus on extricating into this video will see you guys in the next one.