how to survive in any college dorm (drama roommates & more)

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I'm sorry, but in particular I'm going to be talking about how to survive in basically any college dorm. I know it's a really big test because college dorms were like, really different and like there's a lot of different opponents that goes in like the culture and environment, for each dormitory is up with doormen. Let's just assume that I know what I'm talking about. So I feel like in order to survive in like your residents all you just need the abide by a couple of things to make sure your time there is a seamless and as comfortable as it can be because, as I said before, I know that door most can range from a variety of different levels quality and just cleanliness. That's like no shade toe like, actually, is it like specifically what I'm talking about? Like different dorms like especially like big universities, if you like, we have the money to really make up like a good dorm, all like they just don't because of just like different time restraints. I feel like there's a valuable character developing moment by living and like a shoddy dorm hall for a year, because you learn how to just really live on the edge. You know, when there's mold all over the bathroom. I know just saying that if you've never been to college before that, maybe some little scary little daunting like why would I want to do that? I'm paying all that money, but you need to understand, like that's just part of the character. The first thing I'd say that is really essential to helping you survive in a dorm hall is getting to know the back of the work. I know a lot of these positions have different name is spinning on the university campus. So get to know them because they probably know more about the building. They're also the people that you can go to whenever things go wrong. Would that be about the building itself, where the people in it So getting to know that only makes you experience a little bit easier because you know that you have someone to count on or someone to help you out. If things go very, very self, additionally, want to get to know the different facilities workers so that people that are actually coming in like fixing different things that you w where I go, our people are called fix it and like they come in the fix stuff, as the name implies, just knowing what they dio and knowing how to contact them in case like your refrigerator breaks or like your ceiling falls down like that doesn't happen. Yeah, just knowing people who can help you out isn't never a bad thing and conduct one of your bitch. Whatever's coming at, you just gotta turn your head. Mind your own business, and that's something you should be a good Samaritan and not like reports of the things you see if they're like, dangerous or like, I'm weird to like our A or something. We have a lot of other things going on in your life that taught involved all of whatever that was, so he's gotta keep it moving. So if you want to avoid the huge line of people just waiting to do the same thing, try and find times when people aren't necessarily in their door. So if you're not going out partying her sleeping, do your laundry because everyone else's doing those things. Big people have little accident moments in the showers over weekends, so just watch your next thing sort of transitions into the sort of roommate section of things because unless you're in a single, you can't really talk about housing talking about remains. Really? I know a lot of schools require you to make a roommate agreement with your roommates, but if they don't, I'd say that you should definitely make one because they are life savers. I know everyone should find a loophole was convenient to them like I did that I'm not gonna lie. Because you're going to change is a person of your college career in some things that you thought that you wouldn't do or be interested in. You may change your mind and actually end up wanting to do some of those things which may or may not be in conflict of your roommate agreement because you thought you'd be a different person when you went to college. Last thing under mitts that's gonna make your life so much easier. Make yourself a little stash of things that are essentially you. So if you don't want that happening, you've been created stash of things that are really important to you and that you'd liketo use at your own pace and not have, like, stolen or like, taken for eaten from you just like hide him away in, like, a suitcase or a drawer or something, where it's like, not easily accessible. The next step, the surviving your dorm is sort of like a psychological thing, and that is to sort of change the way you think about your dorm. Where's our good dorms of bad dorms? If you're in, like, a really good dorm, this is really apply to you because you already have, like, this superiority complex that you living in the best storm and you're like driving in your environment. For those of you who are like me and got one of the worst storms on campus, you sort of need to, like, reevaluate how you think about things, because hard time is really easy to tack that on to things that are sort of like counted against you. I know how first world that sounds, but like it's real for some people. My first year, I live in their skin hall, which is known to be like the worst dorm at UW. And just hearing that every time you tell somewhere you live like oh, yeah, I live in very soon like, Whoa, you first. So you yourself don't constantly think of your dorm is like a really bad dormer. Just think of it as a dorm or like ideas in dorm like a good door, then that could really change your attitude in perspective on where you're living and can make your experience a lot better. So for those of you living in some crusty dorms, just reevaluate yourself and sort of going along with that a lot of times in order to survive in your dorm, we also need to get out of your dorm. I know it sounds like a little counterintuitive, but like it makes sense, like sometimes, no matter how much positive talk you do, there's always gonna be something or someone that really just, like, irks you in the dorm, where you just physically can't be in there for, like a certain period of time. Spending time of another friend's dorm will make you appreciate your dorm even more because the culture and layout of every building is different and is a new experience. He may find some things that you're building extra does better than your friend's building my laughs. You know, so I got chills just remembering it, but in that case called Fix It and they came in like sprayed, killed everything. If you enjoy this video, let me know about leaving alike and common Double.