How To Get Involved in Clubs and Orgs

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Hey, Huskies, leave students right cozy here one of the most important things as a part of your college experiences getting involved on campus, inside and outside of the classroom. So Europe cleanser we have over 250 registered clubs and organizations are campus. You got time to get involved and kind of see what we have. Do you have a way to contact these people so you can get involved during your time here? So a little background story about me I am actually thes social club vice president here on campus. The way that I got involved is because obviously the clubs for my major but my professors actually like, said something in class and all registered students who were coming in is a pretty social work major or a current social major. Get email from the club president beginning of each semester telling them, Hey, come get involved. Come check out our meeting, come volunteer and do things with us. In case you weren't receiving those e mails or undeclared and have other things you want to get involved in. Our center major Husky sink is a great resource to go to. So step one for Syria want to is either go to the university Web page under the Eight Easy Index and find Husky Sink. Or you could just type Husky sink into Google and is the first link that comes up under blue Mudo GTO. But from there, what is important is you can easily, just long it as a student with your email and password, like your logging on the boat not quit. It'll send you to when you click signing in the top right hand corner, Husky Sinks Web page and then, from there on your screen will kind of look like this Here at the bottom. It is showing me the clubs and things that I'm involved in through Husky Sink. Then from there, you can actually search organizations and events, and things happen on campus a convertible into your and get involved. One the most important things is for students looking to get involved at the top. It will bring you to a home page, but you want to collect organizations From there, it has a through Z of all the kinds of clubs and organizations that 250 plus I was talking about. Each of these registered clubs and orders have a little paragraph underneath it, so I'm just gonna click active Minds at Bloomsburg University. It's one of our clubs, says Active Minds is the leading nonprofit organization that empower students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help seeking. Then it goes on with more about what their club does and the details and when they need. Most importantly is when you click on these clubs not only tell you this information, but it tells you the adviser tells you the president's the students involved, and it gives you contact information so you can return to his people and say, Hey, I'm interested in joining your club so we have tons of clubs and orders that are on this website. Campus living clubs, sports, communications, creative and performing arts, cultural and ethnic diversity, department slash university clubs and org's Faith, a religion based Greek life, health and wellness leadership. It goes the whole way down, busy with categories, and then that's not even including each individual club underneath each of those. So it is really important that when you do find a club you're interested in and say, I really like you enjoy that contact The email that is provided for you on Husky Sink gets under the people. Ask them when their first meeting is, and if you don't like it, try different club. If you go to the meeting, you absolutely love it. You could be loaned hearing with the events and things, and that is the best way to get involved. I've made a lot of friends, but my major, I have something to build up my resume with, and it's always going to get to know people in all different years. Throughout the experience of being not even just my major, but also you could meet all kinds of people. All kinds of experiences were late and build off that support system. Just like a lot of other things we have on campus clubs. Org's are a lot of what students do outside the classroom, and I always recommend that to everyone, so always check out Husky sink.