How to get into Maryland

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Get in, but it's definitely about being well rounded. You know, it's not about just your numbers, your score, whatever it is, it's kind of about you as a person. So you want just show them your personality, like don't just be a number and a G P A. Show them in your essay in your resume. Really passionate about Sai Language Club, where you were the captain of your soccer team or whatever. Just show them all the things you do like Don't leave anything out, showed them how amazing you are and also on the Maryland application. They have these, At least When I did it, they had these short answer questions. It was only one hundred forty characters, which is like a tweet. The question would literally just be like, What did you eat for breakfast last Thursday? Or like What did you do last week or something? Andi, you could only really right like one short sentence. So you have to kind of get creative about to showing your personality like, even if it's not what you literally actually did last Thursday. That's something cool you did recently, even if it wasn't on that exact day, like, just be creative. Don't write the basic answer that you think everyone else is going to write and make your essay just something really personal to you. Like what makes you unique in different? It doesn't just have to be that how your sports team shaped you as a person there, some, like kind of basic topics that a lot of people write about, and I feel like it's cool. If you write about something that you think may be a lot of people don't. I know my friend wrote her college essay about McDonald's chicken nuggets, and it's just like something different. It's important that you're safe, just shows you being you. You don't have to make it anything crazy or tell the story of how you cured cancer. It's just something real about yourself, and it's told in your voice. The other thing that's good about Maryland admissions is that they've opened up in the past like five years, a new program called Freshman Connection. What that means is that once they've filled up all the spots for the new incoming grade, they open up another handful of spots. Four freshmen that are admitted for the spring semester. So if you get in regularly, you get in for the fall. Obviously, you start in August, but if you are freshmen connection, your acceptance letter letter will say you're accepted for the spring. That doesn't mean that you have tio we and not go to school until the spring. You can still start in the fall, but you take specific freshman connection classes that are only at night. I don't think it makes a difference, but you'll be with on ly people in that freshman connection program. Basically what it does is just opens up a whole pool of extra spots for kids who maybe are deserving of a spot. Like just didn't make the cut or, like applied to Lee. I don't actually know what the requirements are to be picked for freshman connection, but all you know is that it increases your chance of getting in because they're just physically more spots.