How to get a 4.0 in College - Freshman Year Advice

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So definitely take advantage of having easier classes and make sure that you don't mess around and that you can get A's in all of them. Oh, if you are sick, then you can't go to class number one and you're just not really, like mentally able to get a four point. So you definitely don't want that to be you, because if you are sick, you probably won't be able to make it to class. So the first thing I'm going to talk about is rate my professor. I think you put in the class so the course name or the course code, and then you put in the teacher so you can look at literally everybody's review of the professor that you were thinking of taking. So if you don't want to take a class from someone who is a heavy lecturer than that is the perfect tool for you. I'm not gonna pay money to take a class from a teacher who sucks. So definitely if you take one thing away, it is that you need to be using rate, my professor. So my second tip is to take online classes if you are the type of person who can pace yourself and be disciplined enough to turn in things on time and learn at your own speed. If the class uses respondents lock down browser do not take it online if you don't know what that is. So I would never, ever recommend you take a class with a lock down browser. Because most of the time when you take an online class, it is super chill. Um, definitely don't take a class with a lock down browser If it's online, that's just not a good idea. So my both of my history classes freshmen year had s I. My accounting class had it because everyone fails accounting, apparently. Basically, you go to see a student who has already taken the cloth and gotten an A and they go over what you have learned in class and all that kind of stuff. Like, don't go to office hours if you don't need help in the class like, that's just pointless. I still got a nay, but it was It was a challenge, and I would go thio my professor's office hours after tests just to look over and see how I did, or if we learned something difficult in class and I didn't quite get it through my head. I would go in there and ask for help, and it is literally the most helpful thing that you could. So during syllabus week, your professor will give you obviously a syllabus and you'll get one for every single class, and you can write down the dates of any assignments that are due Papers, tests, final exams. Be aware of one things or do because in college professors don't care if you miss a great and get a zero. If you turn in something late, either they'll accept it and, like, take off major points or they won't accept it at all. So you definitely need to be aware of when things were happening and when to turn things in and take certain exams. Usually teachers don't care and they just won't take it. I actually learned in my psychology class that studying and smaller chunks like in spaced out intervals is actually very helpful to your learning process or whatever. In addition to that, if you, um, go to class and you take notes in lecture, you probably want to review those the same day. Like in the evenings, what I would do is, I go to class, take notes, all that stuff to take a nap, eat whatever. Um, usually in college, you won't have work do every day that you have class. So for my business Cal HQ and my accounting class and my statistics, they would have everything do like, let's say, Wednesday at midnight or something kind of similar to that. I would do whatever was discussed in class after class so that it would be fresh in my mind and I would know what I was doing. Also don't go out if you have either a test coming up soon or if you have class the next day. So a big mistake that I see my friends make and I definitely saw this a lot freshman year is people who had class on Friday morning would go out to a party on Thursday night, and that is just not something you should D'oh So in college you're gonna be tempted with this a lot because, ah, lot of people who don't have class on Friday are gonna be like upperclassmen, juniors and seniors. A lot of my friends had class Friday and they would still go out on Thursday night, and then they would end up not feeling well enough to go to class Friday morning so they would skip class. If you have class Friday, that's just a really big tip that I have, because also, the cops could come to the party that you're at on Thursday. If you have class the next day, The next thing that I want to discuss is do not skip class. Um, sometimes your classes will take attendance, and your professor knows if you don't come. If you have a class that is probably under 100 people, your teacher can kind of like, look around the room and see who is there. Then if you never come to class and you go to office hours asking for help, like you're not gonna get any help because you never went to class, so I would just recommend going to class. They're not going to give you any leeway if you skip class all the time, so I just recommend going. I mean, you're paying thousands of dollars to take the class. I think by someone that I know told me that your G p A is kind of tied to how often you show up to class. Maybe it was one of my ex I teachers um, you just definitely should go to class.