How to choose the PERFECT COLLEGE

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Today we're gonna talk about how to pick your dream college. You're probably like going crazy thinking of like which schools you're definitely applying to if you haven't decided yet. I am here today to help you figure out how to choose College is best for you, because there are so many colleges out there picking the one that specially was really hard, especially since you can't like experience every single one of them. Obviously, the reason we're going college is for academics, because we are, you know, intellectuals. What do they call that many Ivies or Baby Ivy's or something like that? And then there's just like regular colleges. I think all colleges have, like, different levels of rigor, and then they also like if you're talking universities, it probably changes between colleges and stuff like that. I know it seems obvious, but I know what I was making colleges. I don't know that I necessarily prioritized that I applied toe a couple different schools with a different sort of major programs that I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do. So I think it's really important when you're doing something like that to figure out a school that has not only your major program but also other majors. It just like is what it is I did switch my major and I was definitely I went to school and I was like, I'm not going to switch my major. I don't know why I keep forgetting to say that the meeting videos But when I was choosing you, I definitely was mindful of the fact that even though I applied and got in as an electronic media major in the school of communication, I also had my eyes on that motion Pictures major and honestly wanted to apply to that just like was nervous do. Now I'm motion pictures major on the production track, So whoa, yeah, also think about the way they do their general education requirements with lots of schools do those differently. Some schools saying good number schools allow you to use your like AP tests to get you out of gen. This is a huge thing in picking the perfect college for you because, honestly, all that said about academics and how different colleges have different academics there pretty much a lot of the college are the same are of the same similar levels. A lot of what's important about choosing a good colleges, choosing somewhere that you're gonna be happy for the next four years of your life. College is so expensive, and you'd better find a way to be happy there if you're going there and sweating a lot. Like, Do you want to go to a school that's like big on school pride? That's like Division one athletics, or do you wanna go to school? That's like, not so interested in athletics, who's, you know, athletics are problematic. Oh, you consider if you like, want to go to a D three school instead? If you're interested in playing athletics yourself, you may want to go to D three school, so you could, like, walk on and potentially play with those teams. Another thing is, you can look into like, major news stories coming from this particular campuses because, um, honestly, it's there's some crazy stuff going on at certain schools, and you like probably wouldn't know about that unless, like, you do a quick Google search so that you make sure that you're not falling in love with school that deals terribly with, like sexual misconduct and race relations. Yes, those are things that are easy to forget to look into but could have a huge impact on your experience at school. The next thing to think about is what is most important in your current day today, or what are you missing are lacking from your current day today that you really, really would love, whether it's like beautiful weather or proximity to the industry that you're interested in, and internship opportunities that you could do during the school year. Yeah, make sure that the environment that your school is in really gives you the freedom to like do what you love is location, so try to visit before you apply. When you're considering when you're nearing everything down, once you get in, it's really helpful to visit college because you really get to envision yourself on that campus and get a feel for what it's like, but for me, I know it's super expensive to visit colleges. The great thing about living in 2018 is that there's probably some YouTubers from a college. I really see yourself at U M and experience, and I know a lot of other colleges do similar things. So definitely look out whatever college you're interested in, like Princeton University admissions air like Clemson, Admissions likes stuff like that. Colleges also visiting colleges that are near you so places that you can drive thio local colleges. I went on like a campus visit tour with my high school, and we visited a lot of colleges in the Northeast area, so I really got to experience it. What a college campus was like and like, different stuff like that and it's really helpful and really like conceptualizing all of the schools that year. Thinking about another thing to think about is what have you always wanted out of college for? This kind of goes hand in hand with some of the other things I've been saying. What have you always want? You envision college when you think about yourself attending college college kid, What did you always want so like? If that's like Greek life or if that's big game days or flats getting morning coffees, whatever you thought of when you think of your college experience, jot down those thoughts and synthesize those thoughts and then, like, figure out if the colleges that you're looking into, like if those things would be possible, it could also help with narrowing down colleges. So those were some of the major things to think about when you're looking at a college, they're also more things think about once you get accepted to colleges, and I could make a whole video on that if you're interested, because that will definitely be like more tailored and Maur straight into the point of like what things you should look at what things you should focus on. Want to get accepted to colleges? I applied to nine schools. I'm not entirely sure, but it was not my number one school when I was thinking about where it's me in college. Yeah, I think this is a college experience that I was like meant to have, and I would not trade it for anything else. Yes, it's okay to get your heart set on a school. Of course, it's natural, But it's also okay if it doesn't work out because at the end of the day, a lot of these colleges are so similar, and you probably be happy at so many other schools. Seriously, like the reason why this process is so difficult because so many colleges are so similar and honestly, like you could have a great college experience it like multiple, different colleges. I know it's a little over the place, but if you have any other questions about picking a perfect college about theories in Miami, because I know a bit about that, um, and anything else called related. If you want to see any other videos that I relate, it's college.