How To Choose Classes at Stony Brook and What My Class Schedule Looks Like

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So now we're going to talk about how to choose classes and my class schedule. So when you say yes to this university and you accept Stony Brook University as the place that you will be going and spending the next four years in you'LL be able to come here for orientation on a day so that day is gonna be filled with workshops, discussions and just activities. At the end of that day you'LL be able to choose classes, which is a super important part of choosing a university. It's classes because part of the reason you're going here is for the education. So you're going to be put in a room with a bunch of other students who are also need to take classes. They'LL also be advisors or imitation leaders, and you'LL be receiving a paper with the classes that you still need to take, but also the classes that you may have gotten credit for through AP classes, college, now, classes or any other classes that you've taken in high school. So when you sit down with that iPad and you're choosing your classes, I think that one of the most common misconceptions or something that people don't really tell you is that you should be taking at minimum five classes or fifteen credits worth your for your first semester. This is to ensure that you stay on track because at Stony Brook you need at least one hundred twenty credits to graduate, and some majors even require more. So I think that this is one of the things that students need to think about when choosing their classes. After that, after your first semester, you will be given a date and a time each semester they're after in which you will be able to enroll in classes. This is based on the number of credits or the number of classes that you've taken in the past, so it just helps to take more, obviously, because you're then given priority later on. So later on you'LL be able to take these classes and you'LL enroll the same way that you enrolled the first day, so a little bit going into enrolling into classes so you will go on a website called Solar, which is a Stony Brook website in which you can enroll in your classes. So one of the most helpful things on solar is degree works, so it will show you virtually all the classes that you've already taken and all the classes that you still need to take for any majors or miners that you may have. Another helpful tool on solar is schedule. Builder schedule Builder basically allows you to place all the classes in there and then shows you all the schedules that you could possibly have for that semester. One of the awesome things about Stony Brook University is that there's different sections of each class, so you're because you need to take one class that's safer, your major or one class for your minor. So all classes are offered either Monday and Wednesday for an hour and twenty minutes or Tuesday and Thursday for an hour and twenty minutes. There are also options of Monday Wednesday, Friday for fifty three minutes, and because of that and because of our wide variety of professors, staff members were able to choose a schedule that fits with what our needs are so a little bit into my class schedule. So I decided that I wanted a Tuesday Thursday class schedule this semester, so I have Tuesday and Thursday class from ten to eleven twenty. Then I have a class from eleven thirty to twelve fifty, which is online. You still need to log onto every day or every day that you have class. I have an in person class, some from four to five twenty on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well. In addition, I have two more classes, so I have to online classes that are solely based on line, and I on ly do the coursework online, and I'm assigned coursework online and the professor's give me everything that I need. They also have office hours by appointment, so that's really helpful, too. This schedule really gives me the ability to create the kind of environment that I want here. So something that's really important to me is working and making money. So I have a couple of jobs here on this campus, which I do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Because of that class schedule, I'm still able to do two majors and one minor in on ly a Tuesday Thursday schedule while still working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I think that that's one of the awesome things about Stony Brook, that it's able tto have that flexibility with the class schedules, with the amount of classes offered and just in general.