How I Wrote the Common Application Essay that Got Me Into Princeton

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So today we're gonna be talking about the common application essay. It's the part that really ties it together, gives you a chance to stand out in a different way to differentiate yourself from other applicants in the way of your passions and the things that you've done throughout high school in ways that are different than your scores and numbers that don't really define you. So I'm gonna be telling you guys, but things that admissions officers are looking for in particular and what can help your essay stand out to them so that you can get into your dream school? The first tip that I have for you guys, um, is to use an attention grabber. So you really want to capture the reader's attention as soon as you start your essay because they're reading so many of them there, reading hundreds of them, maybe even thousands of them. So there needs to be something special about yours that's really gonna grab their attention and really pull them in and make them excited to read the rushed off. So in my how to get into an Ivy League video, which out link in the description box below, I talk a lot about how you have to brand yourself, which means that you don't want to be pulling your application every which way by talking about different hot means You have different. Actually, crippler is that you do that kind of don't relate to each other because I just want to see that you have a passion, that you're really into something or maybe a couple things, but not too money because they want to see that you're good at things. No one can really, truly be good at anything if they're Renaissance man or woman, right? Like if they're doing everything. You're not really gonna be good at any one thing. So that's why you kind of wanna make your application revolve around that one thing. Are those two things right? So I would suggest that your common application, I say, because it's so central to the application that goes along with that theme, I really think it's important for that. I say to kind of support that now in your simple mental essays were so I'm gonna be making a different video about. It could be really cool to write about something that is not necessarily connected to your theme, but tying it back to it in a in a unique way. You can make a good I say anything, and I say, like you could literally choose anywhere, anything, any object, and find a way to Reagan s A. But the next thing is that you want to make sure that you're I say reveals things about yourself. Like I was saying before, you want to make sure it matches up with your theme. You want to make sure that whatever it is you're talking about, because really, you could talk about anything, Whatever it is, you talk about your revealing things about you every step of the way. So the key with this is that you want to make sure every single sentence you have is given some information as to your personality things you like things about your work ethic, things about your love for learning things about your I condemn experience you want to be. You want to be revealing things about hearing there so that by the end of the I say you've been talking about a specific topic like maybe an experience you had when you were younger or program you did, or Alicia that. We want them to finish reading and say, Oh, I kind of know who this person is. Okay, well, I know that He did this science fair when he was in seventh grade, and it sounds cool, but what about him? It's not gonna need anything if you're not telling them about you and who you are, this is your opportunity to, like, tell him anything you want about why you should be at their school. Why here, The best candidate Why you're gonna add to that class? Why are you the one that they want to have it? So the only way they're ever gonna be able to know that you're the coolest and you're the one that they should be admitting is if you're talking about you. So the rial piece of advice here's don't get carried away Talking about whatever you're talking about. Remember that your topic or the thing that you choose to write it write about is only a vehicle for telling them everything you possibly can about who you are. So my last piece of advice is making sure that you have someone that really cares about you proof. I thought this was really helpful because I wrote it. I'm gonna picked it back up later in the summer and I got a fresh look at it that's always helpful to kind of step back from something and look at it again. It's It's a fresh look and you're able to critique yourself in a better way. So me starting it really early was amputation advantageous in the way that I was able to have a couple different teachers read it on. The key here is to make sure that it's teachers that really care about you because they're the ones that are gonna really invest a lot of time in proof reading it and checking not only for Grandma grammatical mistakes but things that they think would really help improve your essay on their the ones that are gonna say things that other people might not say because they don't wanna find you or anything. You want people that really care about you that I'm gonna give you the truth. Batch tickle people that are gonna tell you like it is so that you can have the best possible. Where I wanted to go on that she would put in the effort, she would go the extra mile and telling him things that other people wouldn't want to say. So this piece of advice is really important because we can only see so much, right? Like you have been writing that paper. You know what you meant to say? You know what you wanted to say, but you really need an outside an outside humor to tell you what other things you might not have noticed or not. So ending with the family members always a great way. Obviously someone that knows about writing on that kid, you know, that has good writing Schools in general don't want them to give you a crazy advice, but someone that really cares is important. So you have those tips that hopefully are a little different than you've heard before About how to really make your common app stand out. Like I said, you wanted you wanted do everything you possibly can to tell admissions about why you're special. If you guys have any questions, please let me know in the comments below, let me know what you want to see next life this video subscribe? If you want to see other videos like this, please send this video to any of your friends that you think might benefit from it. As always, I really appreciate you guys and I hope that you guys use these tips to write.