How I Stay Vegan in College (WIEIAD and Grocery Haul)

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I wanted Thio have a little chit Terrel Fast to answer. One thing that I need you guys to know real fast, I don't have a common mule plan like most people do at my school. You have to have a meal in your fresh prints off a year. I don't even know if you I don't know if you have to have one junior and see, I don't know. I know for sure you do it for a freshman and sophomore and I never used it. Also I felt more comfortable making my own food for other personal reasons that you guys probably know about. If you have been described to me for a while, not even if you haven't you just know, um, so I just really feel comfortable making my own food to begin with. There's just that's really because there are vegan options. I also use it for a little C store that we have, like, little things. Um, sometimes I coated the two lanes, like not their cafeteria, But they also have, like, little restaurant things. I'm paying a lot less for just with bucks for a certain amount each semester, and that's all. So the money that I would use going towards like a regular meal plan I used towards my groceries are like, That's kind of like how that would work out and why, You know, whatever sets that So I don't have any lines. Um, yeah, I've also learned, and I'm still learning how to shop smarter and not harder. This comes with a lot of like I was the practice. In a sense, like I just now every Sunday plan out what I'm gonna eat for my meals and stuff. I don't just get like random snacks and stuff, and I don't just get like stuff that may look like, Oh, I might get out of this to this meal and it would make it better like, No, I just really stick to the necessities and I try and do this thing we're like and I don't even get 10 pair tofu that much anymore. I don't think it 10 days don't get like, very like extravagant proteins that are a little bit more so It looks like beans, or I'll get like chickpea pasta instead of just like brown eyes process. It's what, like two in one day, it's just really thinking about it that way. Um, and I think about leftovers and what I can do for that and and then I think where I can get the cheapest things. It's because the first Thursday of every month we have a farmer's market and so I'll get a lot of my produce, um, and fruits, you know, stuff. I'll get, like my bread. I'd because Trader Joe's doesn't have a kind of bread I like, and then they don't have a kind of bar they like, so I'll get a lot of those things there, and then along with the bars, I will get the ones that are on sale or just have a deal going on. It's just kind of a 15 minute drive, so it's a little bit further way. Things were obviously what's cheaper there, so I'll get everything else that I I need that was also hoping there's because it's a lot. She's got a lot of plastic that, like away, like so much more than old. Things are that are like the vegetables, but even most so that's a bummer. As for meals, I mean like, I just stick to the things that are easy and fast and basic because what if I go over breaks? I could make my extravagant, high end Vian meals, but I hear it's college, you know, like I don't put pressure on making the greatest thing. That's usually how it goes for, like so Sometimes I have toast for dinner or something, but isn't going dinner because usually it's like whatever, um and then vegetables and or proteins. Just saying a toaster for my own room instead of going up to the 12th floor has been such a time savers so things like that. Things that are a little bit more investing in but worthwhile farmer like mean farmers market. Former Margetts farmers markets those Sundays or little call it like, I guess it's like from, like, fresh like a little. What do you call those white lady? I guess they are kind of like farmers markets, but they're not vegetables just cheaper. Why my liking encircled with also those if you can, like, get to one and they're like it's accessible to, like, you know, get their transportation. Um, those you know, it's two ticket things here, but I think a lot of schools are good about having like a little pop up. Former market farmers markets produce produce stores what you guys are talking about. So I just really think like what you have around you and where you can get like, the cheapest things. They're also playing at your meals and making sure you stick to those meals and you don't like, go out to what? Sharing the weeks. First reason So anyway, it's a lot of bouncing. Is a lot of just personal, like picking and choosing and all that. I just want to include this in here because because we're asking a lot. You were gonna make a sander little grocery list that I kind of go by, um, generally and the description for you guys to help you out a little bit and yeah.