How I Started Working with CampusReel

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They came up like I was going through my instagram feed, and they came up with, like, an advertisement. It said, Do you want these three things Money? Uh, a letter of recommendation and a resume builder. What college student doesn't want over? And they were like, Oh, you have to do is take videos of your campus like these. Certain videos do like a little video tour of your campus. I was like, that sounds like so much fun because I really love talking to myself. Now I finally won't look like an idiot trying to talk my talk to myself on campus, I'll finally be talking to a camera, and so I contacted them. I literally just filled out a little form, and it took two minutes and then literally, like within the hour, they got back to me, and they're like, Hey, like, do you want to work with us? And I was like, Oh, my God, like this is the fastest I've ever been responded to in my entire life, probably. Like probably like within the hour, I was all set up and like, ready to go. They just had, like, send us the date that you want to start. I literally, like within that hour I had, like, all the information, I was, like, ready to go and they sent me. All these, you know, was really cute, is like when my data start began, like from then on, they sent me like little text messages. They were like, Hey, like they send me, like little tips and everything, So that was really cute. Now people are getting out of me for video saving ball up driving. Then you came this real from this amazing opportunity, I really appreciated it. You'll have them really, like, nice and awesome toa work for definitely the best job I've ever had in my life. Hopefully, we'll get to work again in the future.