How I Got into the University of Miami

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It's totally valid to like what I hear other people's experiences and kind of relate them to your owns. You can see a bit whether school is either a safety school, a mid range school or reach school for you personally. Get in because, like you told really good, I want this video to, like have no effect over whether or not you apply to you. So I hope the only people watching this video of, like people who have already applied to you, um are people who are definitely applying to you. Um, you know I mean, if you're not definitely applying, you totally should apply because a literally, all you submit is your common app. There's no supplement, and that doesn't mean just applied to apply, but like, it really is an amazing school to look into it and see if it sounds like it might be right for you. Um, even if you have, even if you haven't visited because let me tell you once you visit the campus like I have yet to meet a person who visited you on campus and was like ill, you know, it was like I would not be interested in living in endless sunshine and happiness and massages and three puppies and all sables on Wednesday. I'll start out with, like, my grades s a t scores a whole like she bang about least that's what Yu has really, really, really want to know. So I just decided to go for the S A. T s. I was really not about the science section on the C t, but I got a 13 40 a message t which is nothing spectacular or exciting, like it's fine. Um, having sad, like I maybe get up studied more also, but I just really wasn't that invested. My city scores because I spent somewhere shine like working hard during high school on my grade, So I really just whole essay teething came around. So I did not have a job ta in high school, but I'm in. The airline is like B plus range for grades from high school and without into perspective. I went to a small private school in New York City's so it was extremely academically rigorous. Have a 4.0, I know, like at a lot of other schools, like a lot of people have four point nose. Of the people that had four point owes in my class, like those people went to Ivy leagues or got untied believes it's probably also like when I say a minus B plus rangers. Really, as you're more to like the B plus range, which is It all depends on the reason I told you, like about my school, just because it all depends like what school you're coming from and also the rigor of your course load. I was super involved in high schools, so I lead three clubs. This is just like what I think from like what I've seen and what I've experienced, I would say something that's really important, especially since we do not have supplements. So I wrote a little bit about that and tied it into, like, school in academics and, um, just like how I grew from the experience, but just make sure your chisel about you, whatever a story you decide to tell which I think it's pretty obvious, but you can literally write about anything. I started writing the summer before my senior year because that's when we really told you I like super great college counselors and also to let you know, like as Faras, where your mom was on the spectrum. I say It's super important, something that every college that you applied to will see so like worked really hard on it. Probably like Midway's your first Mestre, and that's really a nice wait to be lifted off of you. I have to write a bunch of supplements for other schools, which is kind of annoying now, looking back because I came to school that asked for no supplements. You know, you gotta play along with the game in the process. There's some statistic about you having the most involved student body, But I definitely comptel from a lot of the people I talk to you. They're definitely people who are leaders on their habits. They're people who are super involved in their school queen bee. You're in their community at large and like, if you didn't have a million extracurriculars, that is also okay, Maybe get a few things that you're super get out or like, one thing that you're super get up, but you spend a lot of time with I think that's okay is well, um, but they always tell you regulars are good for college, but also don't do extracurriculars just because they're good for college. I know that may sound like a ho really like you did it. I was also super invested in my school community. Just tell you what you go through the deal with, you know, received Miami scholarships. Then the admissions committee nominates you too, Like the scholarship people, and then they send you out the e mail. You pee like is this really totally is Go to the weekend. Yeah, You guys got in, but like, not all of you going to get money, huh? There's like so many people. I went to a small private school that was, like, academically rigorous. Show me people who were like super intelligent who are like I'm premed. I told them whatever they asked, I honestly don't really remember what they asked. Any of you guys are just, like, really, really one of the scholarship burns, like, fallen in love with school. If you want to know anything about the school of communication, if you want to know anything about my major my miners, I'm majoring in motion pictures on the production drag mine during and after the studies and theater, by the way, ask me anything. If you're nervous with schools, you're applying to tell me whatever you want to tell me and subscribe.