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So I asked you guys last week and I wear my going to college video. If you would like to know more about my college survival book that I mentioned and the overwhelming response was yes. So here we are conditioned my college survival book. If you don't, you can skip ahead to when I talk about my college survival book. I'm gonna be going into my statistics Frye school, which basically consists of my grades, my G p A mind test scores and oh, and by the way, I'm missing thing or unclear in any way by anything. So when I submitted my comment after my colleges I submitted to GPS. That's because I transferred to another high school my sophomore year. So for my freshman and sophomore year, my first school, my g p A. It was a 3.99 My grades for both those years were pretty much all A's and a minuses except for math and maybe a science class because you're alone is really quickly. Matt is my least favorite subject and the subject that I sure most men so that those of the classes where I got the B pluses, bees and B minuses but like I've never gotten a seer blow on my transcript at all during high school, which I'm personally proud of. I moved junior year, so I didn't get taking AP classes, and the current school that go to now doesn't have a piece. So I've never taken an AP class in my life that sideways to my junior and senior year. That ex image of colleges for my current school was a 3.44 out of four. In the past few years, like five or six, I think I'm like, overestimating that probably closer to five people. I've gotten a 4.0 I'm not so sure about, like the whole g p A thing because of my new school. They didn't account for my patch GPS. Oh my g p A. When I first started, school was at a zero, decided to build my G p a up again. So I'm not so sure how my GP it would be if I was like at this school for all four years. Great that many school are pretty much bees and bees. As faras course logo's on my current school, I've been taking primarily economic classes. Last year, I doubled up in history and, like I said before, my current school doesn't do a PS because every class is said to be taught at like an AP level Test scores. The break down of my highest scores were my highest English score was a 30 I as a NASCAR was 25. Highest reading score was 28 my sign score was 8 30 If anyone cares, my writing score wasn't eight out of I don't know. I also took a pee test, My junior, even though my school doesn't have a P classes, I took AP psych AP bio AP U S history. My college is up because I didn't feel like it represented me well as an applicant. So I think it's time for me to show you guys my college survival book. So the whole point of making a college around what is to write down stuff so you don't forget anything about the schools you visit? I have a recommend making one of these books here, junior looking at colleges. Or if you're just like one of those weird 10 or 11 year olds, that's like, really invested in colleges at this time. What about college visits in the summer? I basically transform the notebook into the college survival guide that it is today. Hey, notes on colleges that I visited because I had a lot this summer. Basically the goal Having a boat like this is to write stuff down so you don't forget it when you're trying to, like, narrow down your college search and like when he actually applying to colleges, You guys, in my experience, thanks to this and thanks to the videos that I made on the college is the goal was just to remember everything so I wouldn't forget things I liked about a school that I really want to write about in the supplement and things that I didn't like that would cause me not to apply. You can definitely tell how much I was interested in this world by the amount I wrote in the book like Here's George Washington stuff all over here hose So I could be used little section reach college. In my book, I'd write little sections like the first section I have would be called textbook info, which is basically everything you can find out from the college pamphlets that they hand out also wrote down some of their interesting majors. Like for most of the schools was biology or a school like molecular biology as like a specified major? I'd be sure to note that down and also I'm not sure if the supplies everybody but for me, diversity was a huge part in my college church process. Rated on the efforts that the school was making to promote diversity. The current never be at the school and what the current student body makeup is. Make sure you know, like the Bible School because you know everyone trying to say they cheated to find a school that has the right it. So it's very much writing down the Bible's that out from the school to determine that bit. I also wrote down my first impressions of the school because first impressions are everything. It's pretty much your opinion you have when you first set foot on campus, and it's usually your truest opinion of the school. Finally, I write down an interesting fact about school. This would basically just be for my reference when I'm thinking back to colleges because after a while, college shorts kind of blend together And you think that some things from one school or another school when they're really not just try to write something that would differentiate them, something that really stuck out to me about school. I think this may be one of the last college and vice see videos I make for the next, like a week and 1/2 because all I've been doing for, like, the past three weeks next week For those who have been here for a while, I think I might be going on another adventure with Willis.