High School vs. College

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Today I'm making this video to talk to you guys about the differences between being a high school student and being a college student. So I know that when you're coming to college and thinking about coming to college, the transition can kind of be a little bit scary. You're kind of worried about the differences between living on a college campus and going to a high school. So throughout this video, I'm just gonna be give you guys some of what I found to be some of the differences. By the end, you feel a little bit less stressed out a little bit more calm. Hopefully your fears have kind of gone away about the transition phase. Okay, So I know one of the main differences I found when it came to college is that when you're in college, you have a lot more independence than when you're in high school. So what I mean by this is that now everything kind of falls on you. So it's your responsibility to get about a bed in the morning and go to class. It's your responsibility to make sure that you're studying that you're talking to your professors, that you're doing your homework and your projects and doing everything that you need to do to succeed. So kind of you don't really have your parents pushing you to get out of bed in the morning to go to class. It kind of becomes all falls on you, becomes your responsibility, so that's a big difference that I found. As long as you're good about your time management and you really make sure that you put in the effort us with great, Okay, So one of the other differences that I found between college and high school is that in college there's so much more to get involved in. I feel like when I was in high school, I kind of knew about every club that I could be a part of, and it just kind of had to pick and choose which ones I could be in which ones I wanted to be a part of. Every day at college, I feel like I see something new about a different club or a different opportunities to get involved, so kind of that's different. I feel like there's so many more opportunities. You really have to seek it out to kind of figure out what you're interested in and get involved in things that kind of fall into your interest. So I really like that about college, that there's so much to get involved with. Okay, so the last thing I want to talk about is the differences between kind of like the workload between college and high school. So I know when I was in high school, I got kind of a lot of it was a busy work, but it was more work that was geared towards like filling out, package, filling out worksheets, everything like that. When you come to college, especially when you're in more of a lecture based class, you're not really gonna have those like worksheets outside of the classroom. So kind of studying, making sure they're on top of the material that the professor covered becomes your homework. Some professors will give out supplementary materials and worksheets very to Dio and take home on dhe complete, but there's less. I want to say homework When you come to college, it's more just about single copier studies and making sure that you know what's happening in those classes and everything like that. Well, that's just not all that happy rise today. So I hope that after watching this video, you kind of have a better understanding about the differences between high school and college and that you're feeling a little bit less stressed out about the whole transition.