Hidden Gems at BSU

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So this video is about hidden gems on and off campus at Bridgewater State University. I have foreign and judge for you today and to our on campus, and you are off campus. So the look of you a good idea, of course, is that you can use on and off campus during your stay here at Bridgewater State University. So the first hidden gem I have is a coffee shop, actually. So I was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, on the north shore of Massachusetts, and I go to Bridgewater State down on the South Shore, Massachusetts, and you'd be surprised how different everything is here. Most commonly in New England, Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks are kind of popular coffee places to go. Down on the South Shore because a popular coffee place called Mary Lou's. They're really, really good, like I'm talking like crazy flavors of ice coffee that you drink like all year round. Whenever I would go down to the cape on vacations, do anything I would see like Mary Luz and I would drive by, and I thought I was just kind of like a convenience store. Like when I came to college here, everyone runs on coffee. Mary Lou's Mary Lou's here is actually down the street like I walked to it all the time or if you broke our campus, you can just drive right over. It's like literally, like, not even a mile down the road like off campus. We also do haven't Duncan Donuts on campus in E. C. C. And we have a Starbucks in the library. My second hidden gem is a bagel shop that everyone, every Georgia State University Pizza Bagel Shop is called Bridgewater Bagel, and they have raysy cream cheese flavors. Burt ones they have, like Oreo chocolate chip funf Eddie. They literally have, like the longest list of cream cheese like combinations that I've ever seen. So you can literally just go there and like try like whatever you normally on mornings, if you go in there, you'll definitely look around and see other students in Bridgewater gear parents, professors, maybe even, and it gets pretty pack in the morning, on the door, walking in. They actually of a sign that says Home of the Bridgewater Bears because so many people go there. A third hit and Gemma have for you is the Academic Achievement Center. So the academic achievement center is located in the library, and it's basically just a space for you to go and get help. For all these different classes, you can go and get help. We also have a writing studio where you can see with people and they'll help you and read your essays or research papers and help you well, lengthen them. The Academic Achievement Center is also like where all advising is so like when you get your advisor, that's probably well, you'll meet them and like schedule appointments throughout the year. If you want to add or drop classes, that's also where you go. You'll talk to an adviser and you'll tell them why you want to drop class and then they go in and help you find another one. Make sure you're getting like all your credits done on time, everything like that. Most colleges don't have this kind of resource. Still kind of just have like advising and that's it. We literally have, like a designated space in the library for help, for tutors, for writing, for lab, just anyone to talk to, to help you like, Hey, like I'm in this major, what clashes should I take? I just find it a really good resource on campus, especially since help you like network and branch out. The fourth hidden gem I have for you is the commuter rail train station we have here on campus. So many adults you'll see walking around with, like, briefcases and bags, because this is their France station to get to work because it goes directly into Boston. So if you want to go to Boston Sin on a weekend with your friends, it literally cost like ten dollars there. Ten dollars back to campus and you're literally on campus like you. Not to worry about, um, transportation like from a train station like uber bus rides. You just get on the train, go to where you need to go in Boston, maybe even take another train up north, south, east, west wherever you want to go, and then you can take the train back right to Bridgewater and it's on campus. Those are my forehead in Jim's on an off campus of Bridgewater State University.