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Welcome back to my channel today is video number two for the sophomore Siri's video. I'm going to be showing you guys my dorm tour. Let's get right into the store with one of I think the most amazing parts of this room, which is the big ass window self. This window is actually on my side of the room. I think, God, cause I freaking love it, but right here on the window, So I just have some roses that I just got hand sanitizer tissue, some photo frames, obviously, and some air freshener. I just have a small little post it which just keeps my monthly expenses on there That way, I just always keep track of just pretty much how much money I'm spending, how much I need to save and stuff like that. So right over to the right of those two sheets on the wall. I just have my every day toiletries, so I just have my coconut oil, my hair products. If I want to use heat styling, I have all of my heat tools, right? They're moving a little bit over types of medicine, obviously lotion and deodorant and stuff like that right over here. As you guys probably remember from last year, I just had my school supplies above that. Just keep two light bulbs and a stapler because those are things that you always need. So I have to have my light bulbs and I have to have a stapler. I just have pretty much my makeup and my jewelry area kind of in this drawing, I just keep all of my jewelry, But right here, this drawing, I just keep the stuff that kind of like stationery items like a lightbulb, command strips, you know, extra phone case and stuff like that, right? I just keep all of my sunglasses, Um, and then right over here, I keep all of my makeup. I'm kind of in the transitioning phase off, like, kind of getting rid of old makeup and kind of trying to just, like, step up my makeup game stuff of my collection. So please don't mind how messy it is, and it's just like, so disgusting. I still wanted to get this video up for you guys. When you go down a little bit more, I just have these three draws on the side, and they're not gonna go in depth, But pretty much I just keep spare, like, body wash. This stuff like that just have, like, makeup lifes and, like, baby wives. Um, garbage bags and just the extra makeup bag. I like to just keep my cultural flags and stuff like that over here. As you guys remember, from my dorm hall over here, I just have be fooling here, which is such a necessity because I love to just look at my outfit before I leave. I just have this painting just as count your rambles, Not your thunderstorms. Beneath that, just have some shower caps and towels right on the floor. I just keep a extra stepping stole some extra, like WalMart bags underneath that we just keep our mini fridge, which comes in clutch because we can start our snacks on top, but also just still have easy access to things that we use, like in middle of night. If we don't feel like leaving my room, we have water, we have milk, we have yogurt. Stuff like that over here is kind of like our little I don't know. I don't know why, but we just have another mirror. We have a stand for our shower caddies, purses and then just a couple hopes for some of, you know, stuff and then moving along. I just have these pink string lights from T. J. Maxx. They were like, $12 right next to that, I just have a little tea. It says jetsam, and right next to that, I just have a couple photo stripes right beneath it. I have my hunter boots, my daily book bag, and I have a three drawer organizer thing that I keep my clothing in. Moving along to the window sill is where neighbor gonna keep our extra snacks. We have the printer of the paper, the forks and pretty much everything underneath my bed. I kind of just still have the same draws from last year. So right above those draws, I'll just give you guys a sneak peek. I just keep some sneakers and stuff stored above nine times out of 10. Here's just a short overview of the room before we end this video. If you guys enjoyed it and want more videos, please give this a big thumbs up. If you guys haven't seen last year's doing tour, go check it out.